As a German I’m used to drive 100mph+ as a normal cruise speed and around 160mph as top speed for fun. And I’ve heard many Americans saying that they consider 100mph in a car as reeeeaaaaally fast. So what’s your top speed so far?

  1. When my car was new I did like 115 on a country highway in the middle of the night, just to see how far I could push it. It’s a little econobox 4 banger, nothing special. Handles great though I’ll probably look at Mazda first and foremost for my next car. My optimal cruising speed is like 75-85 on most highways.

  2. Fastest is about 120
    Average is 40 on normal roads 60 on highways we take safety seriously here for cars

  3. 110 mph. I was 20, young, and stupid. Nothing happened but I think about it now and it scares the shit out of me

  4. I generally top out at 80MPH. At that point it starts feeling unsafe (and I worry about a ticket), so I let off the gas and drop back down to 70-75.

    I’ve driven 100+ once when I was 16 just to see how fast my first car was. It topped out at 106MPH and afterward I felt like I had done something really stupid.

    Fastest I’ve ever gone is probably around 130 in an Audi TTS when a friend was driving. That thing could accelerate so damn quick.

  5. Around 120. And that was about the fastest that car would go. I was in Germany, so that was legal. Fastest I’ve gone in the US was probably a little over 100.

  6. My top speed is on a motorcycle (Kawasaki Concours 14) 140 mph. It had more to give but traffic conditions dictated I back it down at that point.

  7. In a car 140 indicated on a deserted highway.

    On a bike 160 indicated, similar conditions.

  8. This was decades ago when I was young and just didnt give a shit, but I was clocked at 118 in a 60 going across the Tacoma Narrows Bridge onto I 5. Cop pulled me over and was like “Get out of the car! Get on the ground! Give me your keys”. I was face down on the side of I 5 and handcuffed. He released me when he figured out I wasnt drunk or otherwise a criminal and gave me a $480 ticket.

  9. I was in a high speed chase when I was 16 and hit 105. I was not running from the police. It was a road rage incident involving two adult men in a stolen car chasing a car full of teenagers. Pretty sure that’s the fastest I’ve ever driven and holy fuck it was terrifying

  10. The interstate highway here is made for trucks so it’s not designed for high speed car travel. And the exits, and on ramps are more frequent so the traffic conditions are not set up for high speed travel, at least with much safety.
    I have driven in Germany and noticed the difference.

  11. I’ve gone to 95 mph, but it didn’t feel safe. I could feel the car shaking.

    I usually drive in the suburbs on surface streets where the speed limit is around 40 so I go 45. On the highway I’m usually going 80 in a 65.

  12. When I bought my first car that had a CVT, I didn’t realize just how smooth it was. I was merging onto a highway and thought how slow everyone was going, only to realize I was going over 100. Other than the lines being almost completely solid looking, it didn’t feel like I was going that fast. I had to really watch my speed with the car.

  13. The fastest speed limit in the US is 85 MPH, specifically on one stretch of toll highway outside Austin.

    That being said I go about that on the interstate all the time too

  14. I can do between 80-90 steadily if traffic (or lack thereof) and road conditions warrant it, but usually between 70-80 on the highway. If I can find a long straight road/highway with no traffic I have occasionally “maxed out” at 130, but never for more than a few seconds.

    I have a late model BMW so it never feels unsteady or unsafe.

  15. 110 on a country road at 11 at night, in a Nissan Versa Note. I was 22 and wanted to know how fast I could push the car.

  16. Nearly 90 on an interstate in an effort to keep with the flow of traffic.

    Now my car registers 150 mph, I’m just not dumb enough to attempt it.

  17. Those would not be legal here outside an official race track.

    What is the stop time at those speeds?

  18. Around 160. I don’t think the speedometer is accurate at that speed, so I’d say +/-5mph.

    100 sounds really fast to most Americans, but it’s not uncommon for traffic to move at 85mph. 100 isn’t a big deal in the right car, and feels super sketch in others. The road you’re on also makes a big impact on what that feels like. Some of our roads are poorly maintained.

  19. >100mph+ as a normal cruise speed and around 160mph as top speed for fun.

    Are you quite sure you don’t mean KPH?

    >And I’ve heard many Americans saying that they consider 100mph in a car as reeeeaaaaally fast.

    Well, yes. It’s 161 KPH.

    >So what’s your top speed so far?

    85 MPH, I think.

  20. It’s not really that 100mph is a big deal to drive it’s just that most states will impound your vehicle if you’re caught driving that fast. Most people will speed, but only a few are willing to go substantially over the speed limit and risk getting the car towed or going to jail. Personal best was 155mph at Auto Club Speedway

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