What’s your whiskey dick story?

  1. Got really drunk at a party and ended up falling asleep while eating my girlfriend out. I was still drunk the next morning when I had to go to work at 7am.

  2. 26th birthday. Got a hotel with wife and one of her friends. Dick wouldn’t work. Failed three way. Turned out to be a blessing in disguise because the girl wanted all of us to be a couple even afterwards. We stopped contact with her.

  3. I don’t get whiskey dick when I drink. High key booze is like a performance enhancing drug for me when it comes to sex.

  4. oh god the question brings me back to my first try at losing my virginity.(woman here btw, the wiskey dick in question was from the male counterpart)

    So think a very inexperienced person, I was 22 and had just had my first kiss a couple weeks before and now wanted to fuck.
    End up making out with someone at a party, nice.
    He invites me over to his place, nice.

    We take a cab, get there, and things start to get heavy.
    he tries to get his penis in me and it just wouldn’t go in (I apparently had a very strong hymen) and he’s not at his hardest, things start to get weird bc the guy keeps trying, and now he’s losing his erection more but he goes to wank a bit and tries again, doesn’t fit, wank a bit, tries again.

    At this point I was feeling so fucking awkward, and the guy wouldn’t try anything else till the wiskey dick prevailed and he also gave up.Awkwardness grows and I get ready to leave… And then I see his house is kinda far and I don’t have money for a cab home, guy doesn’t have money either… He ends up breaking a piggybank and counting coins to lend me while I’m sitting there waiting and dying inside.

    And then I go home and never talk to him again lol.

  5. Whiskey dick makes me last longer, doesn’t give me limp dick. My ex wanted me to put it in her ass. After about 45 mins of pounding her I still couldn’t cum bcuz the alcohol had numbed me so much. So I gave up. I basically ruined her asshole. Was never the same from then on.

  6. I was fresh out of Air Force basic training, while in tech school one of medics chicks said she wanted to come to my dorm (we call em dorm not barracks lol). I snuck her in and my dick felt like a damn shoelace

  7. I had a weird issue in my early 30s that caused an audible (to me) “pop” in my sinuses and seeing stars like I had been punched in the face, including the ringing noise, which only happened when I came.

    I had a FWB partner at the time and shortly after met the woman I would later marry. They both knew about it, and it happened with both of them.

    It wasn’t technically an ED thing in that I didn’t struggle to get it up, but I couldn’t climax for a few months, mostly due to the distracting fear of the side effects. The poor FWB girl once gave me like a 45 minute BJ before I gave up and told her to quit out of mercy.

    The FWB was a nurse and talked to a doctor she worked with about it, who jokingly said “I’m interested in reproducing this, and so is my wife” (+2 points for that, lol), but after the joke he told me that it was probably just dehydration. I’ve always been a heavy diet soda drinker and was also in the bars drinking more alcohol than I do now, so the two put together probably caused it. It went away when I stopped drinking alcohol as much and hasn’t come back since.

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