Usually for desi people (Indian, Paki, Bengali, Arab), we tend to want an educated partner and don’t look at someone twice if they don’t have a degree. Would you be with someone who didn’t have a degree? What are your thoughts?

I found a person I really, really, really like. He hits everything off my checklist and heart but he doesn’t have a degree. He dropped out senior year due to financial issues. He does not live in the USA but I do. I never thought I’d like someone without a degree, but now I feel so conflicted because he truly is a good person to the core. He is hardworking and ambitious in other areas, like business and programming. What would you do in my situation? If he truly is the one? I guess I’m worried about security? Or maybe my ego is clashing with cultural expectations and societal norms. Is having a secure job with benefits an illusion? For the most part, usually wanting an educated person is usually a basic requirement but I feel like this situation is different and I’m conflicted. Has anyone ever had experience with this? lol

  1. I think the lack of a degree matters a lot less if he isn’t a bum. A degree isn’t a sign of intelligence nor is the lack of one a sign of incompetence. For me, as long as my partner is hard working, has real goals and ambitions, and is actively trying to better themself, not having a degree isn’t a dealbreaker.

    You say he makes up for it in business and programming so does that mean he has a good, stable job? Or are they just those “interests” that bums claim they have so they seem less like bums? As long as this person doesn’t end up dragging you down later on in life, I say go for it.

  2. Have you watched the new movie Wedding Season? It touches on this theme, it’s on Netflix if you have it!

  3. If the lack of degree is the main concern, I wouldn’t worry about it. One of my friends never went to college, yet he’s making a lot as a plumber and he’s pretty smart in his own right. I’d argue he’s as smart as me and I’m working towards getting my CPA in the next year.

  4. I care more about someone’s intelligence and ability to carry on an intellectual conversation than I do about his level of education.

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