Met this girl and immediately clicked and we had sex first meetup.

Second date about 5 days later setup. we kissed multiple throughout and made out in car in end and flow was really good back and forth like first meetup but she would not take my advances to go back to my place or even to hers. She didn’t seem to want to have sex again. Never said no directly just said excuses when I would push for it. I respected it and eventually stopped pushing for it.

Am I just overthinking it or is it a sign of being used for free food or attention? I’m new to dating again as I was in a 6 year relationship so I’m a bit rusty at reading women these days.

  1. Could be her time of the month. Advice is to try another date and if she jerks you around again then bail.

  2. She might have been on her period? Tired, didn’t feel up to it. Felt it was going too quickly?

    If she were not into you, she would have skipped the second date. Give her some space to breath.

  3. After the first date, would you be moving forward expecting to have sex with her during every date now?

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