Long story short: matched on Bumble, conversations flowed and I initiated a meet up. Date went well, we both had fun, cool. Four days later, I got the,”can I ask you a question?” text so obviously I said no, don’t ask me anything(jokes).

Basically: I have a problem with my tooth on the side which she asked about so I explained that I’m working on getting my teeth fixed as time (and money) goes by. She said that she won’t make it a big deal, as long as I get it fixed but to be honest, it’s kind of made me feel a bit insecure and I don’t know how to navigate this situation because she can’t stop talking to me, sending me pictures of everything she does and so on. Personally, it kind of threw me off and I don’t know what to do because she still wants to see me again..

We didn’t finish off the conversation but yeah, this whole thing is confusing because I don’t know if she’s just being too nice to not get me hurt or they might be a spark..welp lol

1 comment
  1. Get it fixed. It’s a tooth. Find the money, fix your teeth. You wouldn’t walk around with a dislocated nose, would you?

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