
I met girl about 2-3 weeks ago and after we started talking (in person that is) she suggested we continue the conversation via text. After an accepted follow and vice-versa, she texted me first saying “Hii”. We have been talking for about 2-3 weeks about different stuff (school, leisure etc.) and I’m thinking that I want to ask her out but I’m not sure if she sees me that way. Despite intentional (or maybe unintentional) hints, my outlook on whether she likes me or likes me as a friend is blurry. So, should I just ask her out like that or drag out the conversation as much as I can? My questions would I guess be :

Is it “ok” to ask her out via text or is it kinda cop outty?

How casual should I make it? is it best to mention it as a date or just kinda as friends hanging out?

How should I handle rejection? like…it seems pretty lame but what is the best thing to say if she just says no?

  1. Look her in the eyes, not dramatically, and say would you like to go to dinner sometime? I don’t know how old you are if not dinner then whatever kids do. But something that is obviously more of a dating thing.

    Oh and if she says know then say,Okay. But no is part of life it really isn’t that bad.

  2. Maybe I could try andjust ask her out just like that simple and straight to the point message?

  3. True, True Well then I should just write sth like hey i like you lets go out sometime and whatever happens happens?

  4. First. Ask her out via text. It might not only be easier for you, but it also puts less pressure on her in case she wants to reject the date. Giving her an easy-way-out to rejection could prevent any potential awkwardness between the two of you and may save your friendship in the long run.

    Second. Do not overthink your text. Keep it simple, cute, and BE specific. Ask her if she wants to (insert activity here) with you on (insert date and place here), and make it clear that the plan is meant to be between the two of you only, i.e., as a date. Example: “Hey, I think you are very cool and I really enjoy talking with you. Would you like to go out on a date with me this Saturday night at (insert some restaurant in your area)?” Also, ask her out with enough time before the date-day, i.e., at least two/three days beforehand, so that she can schedule it.

    Third. In case you get rejected, avoid any self-pity texts. Simply own the rejection, let her know that you do accept the no for an answer, and move on. You might reply something on the lines of: “No worries, I understand. Hopefully we can remain as friends in the future!” (and, unfortunately, at this point I would advice for you to cut any contact with her for a while, at least until you do not have any strong romantic feelings for her).

    Finally, a piece of advice. If you get rejected, move on. Do not overthink the rejection neither the reasons behind it. For the sake of your mental health, avoid the so called “worry loops”. Simply accept the fact that she rejected you and move on with your love life. Go find another girl. It might be difficult at first, but you will eventually recover from the rejection 🙂 (and, as a plus, you will now have some experience into asking girls out!)

    Edits: English is not my first language 🙂 Had to fix some typos.

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