What do you typically look for in a woman that makes them “wife material”? 🤔

  1. I just fell in love with my best friend and marriage was the logical next step. We grew together and I learned to love her areas of growth and where she thrives. I accept her for who she is and who I am thanks to her. I can honestly say I wasn’t looking for anything specific

  2. Someone who shares my values, and maybe some of my interests. That we can laugh together and be honest with each other. Pretty basic but that’s the core of what I’m looking for.

  3. Patience, kindness, compassion, honesty, wicked sense of humor, a sense of adventure, passion, and a sex drive/sexual tastes similar to my own.

  4. Mature and is realistic. Understands that beyond the fun and exciting times there has to be a period where things are calm and more slow paced. Also accepting the idea of settling down. Many seem to want to move onto the next man thinking they can always get better but thats not always the case. If you got a good man who’s fit, treating you well and on his purpose then stick by his side. Like if you’ve got a top 20% man that doesn’t mean that you’ll be entitled to a top 10% man just because you firmed a top 20% man (sometimes it gives you the illusion that you’ve improved when in reality all you’ve done is set your expectations higher for no reason)

  5. Intelligence, wit, discipline, values, a sense of fun, being comfortable in her own skin..

  6. A woman who is comfortable in her own skin, likes homemade foodstuffs, can workout/jam with me, etc.

  7. Is a decent human being is #1. After that: intelligent, witty & has self confidence. Ability to communicate when they’re upset. The ability to set and achieve goals.

    Whether you’re a man or woman, if you find someone able to hit most of those you’ve probably found a keeper.

  8. Treats me well, wants to work hard, is kind to strangers, and likes to cook and cuddle.

  9. Does hanging out with them feel like a “default” or does it feel like work? Can I do all the things I like with her or do I notice that hanging out with her leads to me not doing what I’d like to do? Do I feel a sense of relief when they’re gone? Do we share similar values? Do I feel happier and more ‘complete’ when they’re around?

  10. Accepts my flaws, laid back, shared values, sticks through thick and thin & not overly materialistic.

  11. Like many other man, I have absolutely no ideia. Most guys may not admmit, but we know very little about what is a “wife material”. Personally I have no clue. I’m not even sure if I’m husband material, f***, maybe I’m not even boyfriend material. Good Luck to my girl.

    The truth is that a “wife material” will be different for every guy, and there is no right awnser about It. Maybe the dude wants someone to love him, but If she loves him too much he would be uncomforable. If she likes to travel and he likes to stay at home, they probably will have wife-husband issues when they try to decide what to do on their vaccation.

    There is so many variables. Some people even like to have some conflict/fight on their relationship because otherwise they would feel stuck and bored.

    I don’t know, life is weird. Don’t take my comment too serious, I’m just using it to practice my english.

  12. Accountability. This goes for men and women. Too many irresponsible people out there who are not accountable for any of their behaviors.

  13. Smart and witty, able to laugh and make jokes (where appropriate of course), understanding of my own limits and emotions and accepting them, along with discipline.

  14. Truth is, most men know given enough time with someone. Sometimes the person that they would marry turns out to be completely different from something they would list here.

    I know that when I establish enough of the right thing with the right person that I’ll come to realise that’s the woman I want to marry. Until then it’s “The Dating Game”

  15. Security and emotional stability. I need to know you’re not going to flake out on me/become my worst enemy the moment times get tough. Because if we’re in it for the long haul, it’s only a matter of time.

    A lot of women expect men to shoulder burdens and be the solutions to all their problems, either consciously or unconsciously. I am generally trying to filter out women who will cheat on/divorce me after 10 years because “they deserve better.”

  16. During my single days, I never looked for “wife material” at all. That was way too many steps ahead. I had so many dates that never went anywhere that such a thing would be putting the cart before the horse. I was just looking for someone I wanted to spend time with and get to know and then see what happens.

  17. Someone who can find joy in the everyday. Someone who can be thrilled with mundanity. The majority of life is not exciting. Generally speaking it’s a lot of the same. But someone who can help me make shopping and adventure, or who can help make the last few hours at the end of the day peaceful, comfortable, and intimate. Now that is someone I would want to marry.

  18. Strong morals/values, healthy/good relationship with their family, well read in something, open minded, kind, working towards something professionally, independent, debt free, patient.

  19. How she treats her family, how she treats my family. How does she feel about kids. Shared values and morals. Not afraid to work hard and get dirty. Sexual compatibility.

  20. Good Teammate, friendly/personable, driven, frugal(ish), kind, mild tempered.

  21. When I met my wife I guess I just found her to be the nicest/kindest person I had ever met. We also chatted for hours, and haven’t stopped yet.

  22. For me first i look for that she understands that her happiness mental peace is in her own hands… basically she understands self responsibility towards herself and at a good place in her life emotionally and physically too… Second she understands marriage is a continuous commitment and has lot of sacrifices too… And their is no you’re my only one crap we both are replaceable and hence since you’re in good mental space in life understands self responsibility and it’s a commitment then if you decide to make that decision please be loyal and understands good things have sacrifices too cuz I will do the same.. if you can’t do that I’m sorry stay single without hurting eachother and kids in the process.

  23. An understanding that when you are in a relationship, you don’t have to do *literally every single fucking thing* as a pair.

    Confidence and independence is very attractive.

  24. Honesty, loyalty, morals, perseverence, and if she’s easy on the eye, bonus!

  25. Teamwork.

    My girlfriend is so easy to do things with. By day she’s a project manager. She’s probably the most organized person I’ve ever met. Everything always goes so smoothly because both of us are try hards and research and plan every little last thing.

    And she’s just a naturally sweet person. On our first date, we went to a dumpling place. I was trying to lift my dumpling with my chopsticks but it was stuck to the tissue paper. She instantly grabbed her chopsticks and held the paper down, and I was able to peel the dumpling off. I remember her smiling at me and giggling, and I think about that moment all the time, even still.

    I realize most people would do that, but because of how sweet she is, those little things just come natural to her. For a lot of people, myself included, thinking about how I can help my girlfriend is something I have to actively, consciously think about. But it’s like her default state of thinking, how she can make things easier for me, or for us, and I really value that.

  26. I dont know if this offensive today but cooking would get you up a tier. If you cook for your man consider yourself a strong candidate.

  27. All of the things that make a great friend. Loyalty, respect, wit, humor, intelligence, and good moral character. I also value success and accomplishments, independent of others. There is something really cool about a partner that can achieve success and do well on their own. Confidence and independence are important in a partner.

  28. Does she stick to her opinions when necessary, is she willing to compromise to some extent when necessary, her view on kids & she treats them, can she take care of herself & her own home (cook, clean, etc), good work ethic, how does she treat strangers/ new people (waiters, friend of a friend, when stranger asks for help or inconveniences her, etc) and most importantly can she properly communicate

  29. I’m married. My wife doesn’t cook, she doesn’t clean often. She’s very intelligent, works hard and makes good money. She cares about me and has good conversation. She’s loyal and always there. I guess that’s my “wife material” but to be honest my criteria would be something like this:
    1) be at least somewhat intelligent
    2) be at least moderately attractive
    3) be loyal
    4) be someone I have a strong connection with

  30. I know this is a really obvious one, but needs to be said; someone who actually wants to commit to a long-term, loving, healthy relationship.

  31. Someone who is wholesome. That can temper my anger and show me the error of my ways without shaming me. Who accepts me for who I am and works with me. Someone who loves to make me happy as well as someone who I want to make happy. Someone who accepts all that I can give but respects my limitations. Someone who is passionate about something good (generally good). Someone who shows physical love as well as emotional, equally. Someone who is a team player, who will take at least half of the burdens of life/survival. Someone who will cherish me and loves me one equal terms.

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