This came to mind because my neighborhood was once on the edge of the suburbs and I’d drive past cows in fields daily. Now, the suburbs have extended further out and I’d probably have to drive miles to get to open fields with cattle again. The last time I saw any cows was probably a few months back on a road trip.

So how about you? When was the last time you saw a living cow?

  1. We drove to Austin in December, pretty sure I passed by some cows in a field at some point during that trip.

  2. A week?

    They’re not in the city proper, but it only takes a 10 minute drive for me to see them on the outskirts somewhere.

  3. December. I drove cross country and saw plenty of grazing cattle near the freeways. I normally go years without seeing them, though. I generally see plenty of horses, but rarely do I see any cows.

  4. This past Saturday. I’ll tell you what I’m glad I don’t live near a cow field. I used to and for years those Fuckers woke you up in the spring having sex in the early morning. When I took my wife home to visit. She heard it and thought a cow was getting hurt. I had to explain to her what it really was.

  5. At least once a week for whole cows; saw a partial cow two days ago on my plate. His name was porterhouse

  6. Yesterday, twice, on the way to and from work.

    About to see one again in 20 mins or so.

  7. This morning. Theres a farm about 3 miles down from my house. Pass it every morning during my morning run.

  8. Earlier this month, driving through the middle of nowhere CA. Before that was probably October, they had some at the farm I went pumpkin picking at

  9. Not that I pay specific attention anymore but I am going to go with yesterday. Haven’t left the house yet this morning

  10. Last fall maybe? There are families that keep horses nearby, but I don’t have a reason to drive in the direction that cows are.

  11. It’s been a couple of months since I’ve seen a cow, but horses, lots of horses every day.

  12. Maybe a month ago? There’s cows like 5 minutes from me but I don’t go that way often

  13. I grew up in the city but now live in a rural area. My property borders a farm. There’s Black Angus grazing in the field. YUMMMMM…….

  14. About an hour ago on my drive to work.

    Got very tired of living in a college town and moved to a more rural town last year.

    We regularly see sandhill cranes, deer, possums, rabbits, swans, ducks, geese and sometimes coyotes. Much more peaceful than where we were

  15. Yesterday

    I probably see one about once a week most weeks. I live in the heartland but only really leave my small city for work or recreation like once a week. I probably won’t leave it today

  16. There are cows that live in a pasture across the street and down aways from my house

  17. I guess I never really thought about people not seeing cattle regularly. I grew up on a farm so that was the norm.

    Even now that I live in a larger metro area, Columbus is basically just a huge version of a small town. The outskirts are still surrounded by tons of farms. Mostly it’s corn and soy beans but they usually have some cattle as well.

    Heck there are even a few old timers on farms around that are surrounded by suburbs because they just never sold the farms.

  18. Every morning and afternoon on my commute. I pass several dairy farms on my way to work.

  19. > When’s the last time you saw a cow in person?

    Honestly, it’s been a while. Maybe a year or two? But that’s not because of creeping urbanization…

    I live in a fairly rural chunk of Northern New York. There’s plenty of dairy farms around here. I used to commute to work every day and I’d see cows on a daily basis.

    Those farms are still there… But I shifted to working from home a few years back. And then, with COVID, I’m doing even less travel. There’ll be a weekly trip to the stores for groceries and whatnot, but that’s about it – and that trip doesn’t take me past any cows.

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