Like it’s annoying as hell and high key disrespectful to you and your future partner. I’ve been now hesitant to tell anyone whom I’m attracted to because they always say “oh girls are cheaters”. I understand people have the ability to cheat but come on, every girl. EVERY girl cheats? Over 7 billion people on this planet and they honestly believe every women cheats. All I said that I’m attracted to nerdy, introverted, healthy physically and mentally ladies that know what they want and- “oh yeah! Those girls definitely cheat”…. it makes not wanna date publicly to hide her from my close ones so they don’t fill our lives with negativity. And they swear it’s to protect my feelings. I’m 28! Yall be hurting my feelings for years but NOW you wanna protect it being dicks to my potential partner??? Sigh… I need smart people in life 😩

  1. Never once had this happen, you need to lay down some boundaries with these people and tell them to stop projecting their insecurities onto you. No need for that kind of negativity in your life

  2. I mean, they are kind of doing you a favour by encouraging you to keep your guard up. Which you should. You can still care about someone while understanding that they can hurt you.

  3. I’ve gotten this before. It is very annoying and makes you doubt someone for no reason. You should tell them tho the way it makes you feel when they say that and hopefully they’ll stop.

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