Ive been through some painful things that most people never see because its not common. I believe im genuinely brave and strong even before this time in my life. But now i think i have this deep rooted fear that effects my life because of what ive been through. I usually face fear but this fear is different, its deep. I dont know what do do about it?

Anybody been through Hell and come out and have this?

  1. I need more clarification on what this deep fear is to understand what you’re talking about

  2. The only thing that helped me is time. Idk what specifically you mean but I probably have an idea. If it doesn’t slowly get better over time I’d suggest therapy don’t try to tough it out it’s not worth it.

  3. Theres a bandaid solution which is asking reddit.

    Or you can actually deal with it in counselling

  4. Slow, controlled exposure.
    Depends what your scared of. Slow controlled exposure to the vacuum of space is probably still going to be bad.
    Maybe you have a reason to be scared.

  5. No one can answer these generalities other than with generalities. What is hell to you can be inconsequential to another and vice-versa.

    Go get some counseling

  6. If you’re afraid of spiders, here’s how you solve it:

    1) First you draw a cartoon spider on a piece of paper and look at it.

    2) Look at a better drawing of a cartoon spider, touch it, put your hand on it.

    3) Do the same for an animated, more realistic looking spider.

    4) Do the same for a picture of a real spider

    5) Witness a spider in its enclosure

    6) Work your way up to finally holding a spider

    7) Pet him, he’s nice, his name is Ben.


    For more information, look up systematic desensitization and ask your therapist about it

  7. Program yourself to get angry at it and attacking instead of running from it or freezing because of it.

    Worked for me just fine.

  8. Reminds me a story:

    There is a guy stuck in a hole. He calls for help.

    First person who comes by is a priest. Guy says, can you help me? Priest says let’s pray about it. They pray. But the guy is still in a hole. Priest suggests he finds his faith and moves on.

    2nd person is a businessman. Guy says, can you help me. Businessman says, sure here is some money to help you get started. Guy says, Thanks but I am still in the hole. Business man says, work harder and get a job.

    3rd person is a politician. Guy says, can you help me. Politician runs a campaign to get guys like him ladders. Starts a program to supply ladders with taxpayer money. Gets the guy a ladder that is way too short. Guy says, I’m still in the hole. Politician claims he isn’t using the ladder right and is abusing the program.

    4th person comes by Is just a stranger. Guy says, can you help me? Stranger says, sure one sec. And jumps into the hole. Guy goes, what is wrong with you? Now we are both stuck here.

    Stranger says, “I know but I have been here before. I know the way out.”

  9. I can’t give you the answer because I don’t know. I’m still working on handling my own fears. But for what it’s worth, I geniuinely hope you find a solution. Sometime just acknowledging the fear helps.

    From what I understand, there are three reactions to fear that are pre-programmed into our brain: fight, flight, and freeze. You have to make a choice which route you want to take. Even not making a choice is choosing the option freeze.

    I don’t know enough about what you personally are dealing with to give you real advice. Perhaps do some searching on CBT (cognitive behavioral therapy). It’s probably the most common method therpists deal with fear and trauma. The general idea is to change the way you think or feel by changing the way you behave or react.

    I wish you the best. Being afraid all of the time is awful.

  10. Face it. I’m afraid of clowns. Watch it. Go to a haunted house. My friends are obsessed with watching me freak out. I’m afraid of heights so I enlisted in the Air Force. Most of my fears are irrational

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