So I just finished college. I wasn’t popular I was the weird but put much kid I didn’t effort to be honest. So I started being little bit playful making jokes and everyone was looking at me like I’m more weird. Any advice ?

  1. >I was the weird but put much kid I didn’t effort to be honest.

    Totally not being a jerk here but can you help me with this? Are you saying you were the weird kid but didn’t put much effort into caring/changing or something of that nature?

    The thing is if you’re going to be flirty, playful or making jokes it’s largely about the delivery. That includes how you carry yourself, how you say things, being high energy or lower energy based on your audience and most importantly portraying confidence.

  2. Hate to break it to you but what you look like determines this. The exact same behavior can be the difference between flirty and creepy or even sexual harassment all based on how the receiver feels about you. If they like you, good, if they don’t, bad. Primarily based on physical appearance

  3. The people just saying “be attractive” aren’t helping.

    First, it you want to be flirty you have to get along with everyone and make friends with others. Women are *way* more on the lookout for guys that could be a literal threat to them than vice versa. Zero chance of them being attracted to you if they’re worried you’ll hurt them.

    Second, once they trust you and you both get along then tease them. Teasing is the bread and butter of flirting, the vast majority of people love being playfully teased by those they’re attracted to. Try to focus on not teasing about things that could be hurtful – you may make that mistake a few times if you’re new so learn from it and don’t do it again. Good luck bro

  4. Just be yourself and you’ll undoubtedly eventually be surrounded by people who will appreciate you for you.

  5. Just remember that you are who you are and that you have to enjoy the moment you are in.

  6. Hit the gym, get swole, fix your face if it’s unattractive with plastic surgery, and then go talk to women. There will be chicks who will find you to be funny.

  7. Well flirty would imply that they find you attractive first. Otherwise you’re “creepy”, “weird”, or “way too forward”.

  8. All of these things basically boil down to confidence in my opinion, and you can get that outside of romantic interactions.

    Do public speaking of some sort (even if you just volunteer to make social media videos for a charity or something). They will suck, look at yourself and be critical, then make them better.

    Go to neighborhood bars by yourself and just talk to people you meet at the bar. Some days it will be a pretty girl, some days it will be two grandmas having a wine and talking about their cats. Don’t think of such things as a detriment, just make a decision to engage with people you meet regardless of who they are.

    Replace bar with “park”, if you prefer.

    Learn what makes people happy. Learn what they want. Learn how to change your tone and accent to make them comfortable talking to you.

    And when you’ve done all that to talk to the mailman and the cat ladies and the charity’s donors on Facebook or Twitter or whatever, then doing the same thing to talk to romantic partners will be second nature.

  9. I mean absolutely no disrespect by this, but due to your comments on this post, are you on the spectrum? If so, have you considered social therapy?

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