I met a girl playing videogames 1 month ago and since, we talk everyday about everything. I’m from europe, she’s from america. We keep playing togheter, we have long talks about everything in life, she’s so smart we talk about deep feelings stuff, complex science stuff. We both said we had a crush on each other and we liked eachother, the other day we said like we are online dating, that we are online boyfriend and girlfriend. We started by trading pictures, to then kinda talk dirty, to sexting, to getting off in call, to cam, to little clips, to me getting my self off in camera, she’s not there yet. It feels it moved so fast, but we text all the time and voice call almost everyday for a couple hours, so i guess its more interaction that normal irl dating, so thats maybe why it was so fast. None of us know when we will meet irl if we ever will. We say “lets go with the flow”. I was curious about opinions? If anyone went through an experience like this? Where it ended? Advice? Thanks!

1 comment
  1. Been there.

    As long as the conversation is there that “yes this is fast and it feels right” there is not much to worry about.

    Its tricky due to sometimes feeling pushy or needy. As long as you two are on the same page it is fine.

    Make sure the emotional part ia what matters and stands out. Dont let the sexy time take over. It is not what it is about.

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