We started to do golden showers two weeks ago. She’s always the one giving it, peeing on my face. Last time she said she wanted to record a video so she can masturbate to it when she is alone. I said yes and she took it.

I found out yesterday that she sent the video to her friends. This one is even more risqué than what we usually did since she pissed right into my mouth. They all mocked me for letting her do this. Now I’m really embarrassed. I also feel that she has broken my trust and don’t know how to address this with her. How do I do that?

  1. What she did (distribute a sex tape without your consent) is illegal in many states. So at the very least I hope she understands how wrong it was for her to do this. I mean let’s just pretend that you are opposite genders. And you’re the girl whose being filmed while being peed on, and she’s the boyfriend sharing the tape amongst his bros. It’s a disgusting betrayal of trust.

    Honestly, I don’t see a path forward for you two. I”d encourage you to break up with her that what she did was a terrible betrayal. I’d also encourage you to look at what legal options you have. If you do live in a state where what she did was illegal, I’d let her know that if she shows anyone else the footage you’ll be pursuing all legal options.

  2. Delete the video and talk to her about consent and trust and how she needs to earn your trust back. That’s if you want to work things out. It would be a deal breaker for me.

  3. Ugh. Teenagers are so dumb.

    OP she’s young dumb and full of… stupidity?

    Unfortunately you gotta cut her loose cuz she crossed a major line. When she’s like.. 25 or older she’ll have an aha moment and realize how shitty of a human being she is.

  4. First. Make sure the video is deleted.

    Second. Threaten with legal action if it is shared again as this is illegal in most states. (If in US).

    Third. Break up.

    Forth. Tell her parents why you broke up with her. And that you informed her that you will press charges if the video is shared. You’re 18 and won’t have to deal with them ever again if you don’t want to and you are already being harassed by her friends.

  5. This is wrong on so many levels. She have zero respect for you and took plesure in shaming you to her friends. Regain some self respect and show her the door. Move her out and move on, block her and all her friends. Never look back and next time think before you video something. The internet is forever and those videos will be also.

  6. Why are you even dating someone like that?? Take the trash out! She only shared that to humiliate you. I’d press charges on her so damn fast. Next time use your brain and don’t record anything you wouldn’t want other people to see.

  7. Anything you’re embarrassed about or you feel shame about it, you shouldn’t be doing it.

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