Do you completely ignore the bad sex part or just accepted it?

  1. In my case, I thought it was going to be worth it in the end. It would get better. Emotionally & physically. Instead of accepting it declined in every aspect.. I personally cared too much, was invested, convinced myself the minimum could keep up going. Even though I didn’t enjoy our sex life anymore cz every other aspect I was unhappy with.. idk maybe I was super young & didn’t know better, but I definitely settled.

  2. I had never had sex with anyone else. He told me I should like it (based on the porn he watched) so I thought I was the one with a problem. Eventually he became repulsive to me and our relationship died

  3. They were open to feedback, had good communication, and willing to work on it. Plus, they were very keen to please!

    Sometimes you need to get to know each other sexually, and if you’re both game and able to set the ego aside then they eventually learn what you’re into.

    This also means that you need to know what you like, and be open to trying new things for you and them.

  4. That’s only my story. That’s all I can be as honest with about. It doesn’t apply to everyone, or makes me think sex is everything or not etc. I hope I helped clarify something for you.

    Makes me hopeful as woman that a guy is asking because hopefully some you actually care. I feel a certain type of way, different days for sure. But after what I went through I’ve realized that there are worsethings than being alone. Being lonely whilst being with someone who drains you/takes more out of you, than being lonely &bored. Just takes a while to sort your priorities.

  5. Because it got so much better! My husband was inexperienced when we met. I didn’t do the fake moaning and ego boosting. I was straight up like “put my legs here, move your tongue like this, grab me there, etc.” He learned how to please me.

  6. Because she knows and understands that. She encourages me to seek out and fulfill my sexual needs with other people.

  7. I was with very toxic people that were absolutely amazing in bed. It never lasted.

    After a while your focus shifts. You want someone that loves and respects you. My bf was in the beginning very clumsy but open to improve. It took a couple of years and now he leaves me breathless.

    As long as a partner is loving and willing to improve and learn about your body sex doesn’t have to stay bad. Just work with each other.

  8. my ex in our year and half together never made me cum but i loved him so i honestly didn’t care sex isn’t important to me

  9. He’s not *bad* at sex but the sex is not nearly enough for me.

    We opened the relationship so I get more sex from other sources too and now we’re both very happy. So I guess I kind of accepted it but I also didn’t ignore it because then I would be miserable. If he hadn’t been willing to work with me to find a solution (and open things up) I probably would have had to leave because sex is important.

  10. Closeness with another human. Sex was painful and awful, but he was the only person calling me each day. Not involved with him anymore but yeah, that was my reason

  11. I stayed in a relationship with bad sex for 5 years and tried so hard to make it work. Finally broke up with him almost a year ago and do not regret it. Sex and intimacy is an absolute need for me in a relationship and I started to build resentment. If a partner is open to communicate and work on intimacy issues I would likely stay. Otherwise, you just turn into roommates/friends that live together imo.

  12. In my case, we got married as virgins so we both sucked at sex. A person can always improve in bed, love should be the base foundation for a relationship. Communication however is the only way to improve someone’s skills in bed. If you never tell him what to fix or change, he will never be “good” in bed

  13. Fear of being alone I guess. Honestly have no idea but ending it was the best thing I could do for myself.

  14. I stayed for 30 years because he was a good man, we were good friends, and had come up together through pretty severe poverty, and hard times. We raised each other, in many ways. We also had kids together very quickly. Sex was not reason enough for me to break all of that up, or to deal with alimony, child support, custody, visitation, step-families, etc. Obviously those are huge parts of many peoples’ lives, but I chose to not take that path.

    Once the kids were grown and doing their things we quietly and very amicably divorced.

    It’s a success story, in my book.

  15. Him being bad was due to inexperience, not an unwillingness to do stuff in bed. He was insecure about his performance to begin with, like he didn’t know any moves more then just pumping away, but eventually the stigma wore off and we could have an honest discussion about what felt good or what we wanted the other one to do.

    Would I have stayed even if he didn’t improve? I would like to think so. I love him.

  16. He’s getting better and we try new things every week to figure out what works best for us.

  17. I didn’t know back then that it was possible for sex to be pleasurable for women.

  18. Noone is good or bad at sex. Sex is more about emotional connection, understanding and love. Hookups r just incomplete sex . Try having sex with the person you love and have a great understanding and with the person who has very good physique. I’m sure u will Have better sex with the person you have real connection.But yea my ex was virgin (17)when he had sex w me. He was nervous, couldn’t get hard etc. But it’s not like he was bad ,he was just nervous cz it was his first time but yes i stayed with him , hugged him and told him that it’s ok, it’s ur first time and started talking to him. I wouldn’t leave my partner cz of this silly thing cz sex is not abt being good or bad at it , it’s about how much u r connected to yourself and to your partner.

  19. Honestly I haven’t had sex since I’m not married yet and I’m waiting for marriage. I don’t think sex is a major part of a relationship, it’s a perk but shouldn’t control the relationship.

  20. Sex with my partner was lack luster for a long while. But we decided to be honest about it. He had a lot of hang ups from his Baptist religious upbringing and he felt “dirty”. He went to therapy and worked through his shit. Lots of communication and putting ego aside completely flipped the script. I’m glad I stuck it out.

  21. He is funny, provides well financially, smart, doesn’t want kids, our lifelong values align really well and he’s literally everything else on my list except good at sex. I decided you can’t have it all and long term there are way more important things than good sex. He’s not the worst I’ve had in bed and he loves me and I love him. At the end of the day I have almost everything I could have asked for besides good sex. You have to ask yourself if sex is something you are willing to compromise on long term or if it’s important enough to ignore all other pros of the relationship.

  22. I never knew there was such a thing as “good” sex. When you’re a woman you’re taught that sex is for men and it doesn’t matter what your feelings are.

  23. I fell in love with the person I thought he was but it was an absolute lie. On the plus side, it made breaking up with him MUCH easier. I really do feel that good sex, can make some people get attached to horrible people for too long.

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