Can be anything from clothes, toys, activities, movies, food and more.

  1. I have a few of those my female family members constantly comments on and are annoying about.

    * I like flowers. STFU my mimosas are f*cking dope.

    * I like my hands and nails not to be a choppy barbed wire. Apparently also comment worthy.

    * I don’t like my skin flaking of in -25 C, apparently moisturizing is comment worthy.

    * I like to not be overweight. Apparently also something that warrants comments every summer.

  2. I don’t wish anything had been more socially acceptable for boys because I treasure having the early opportunity to make a decision, to do what I liked even though some people thought it was weird and made fun of me for it.

    There will *always* be things that other people don’t approve of. That’s never going completely away. So the earlier you take that fork in the road, and choose the path of doing your own thing instead of following the herd, the freer your life is.

    A world where everyone applauds you for being who you are *sounds* good, but I think it would come with hidden costs.

  3. I was a nerd in rural Texas before nerd shit went mainstream so…just a shift of a few years would have been nice.

    That’s not really a boy/girl thing, though.

  4. Dolls. They encourage emotional development in children, are great for the imagination, and help teach responsibility. I was never allowed to play with my sister’s dolls but I l stole them anyway. There aren’t downsides to letting boys be nurturers.

  5. My English teacher….. Mmmmh damn… My English teacher……….. Mmmm……… Imma go… Ermm,… I’ll be back in a few

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