Oy oy, I am a guy with a history of shyness and social anxiety but this is not about that.

I got over my anxiety problems about two years ago when I was forced to go out there and talk with people and I can say that I am about 80-90% cured.

Despite the fact that I am no longer afraid of meeting and talking to new people, my problem lays in the fact that I still can’t open up to people about myself, my passions, my likes and dislikes, my interests, hobby and overall personal life to people that aren’t my old time friends. My conversations are always small chat or revolve around my career and they die out pretty quick. Whenever I try to open up, I get the impression that people do not care of what I have to say and shut me off to talk about themselves instead.

I understand that sometimes people simply aren’t interested in who you are outside of the current situation but to me it feels like they never give a toss, and lately I’ve become more and more afraid of talking about myself out of fear of being shut off or humiliated. I don’t want to turn this into a self-help post, so I ask of you to help me out if you can! What am I doing wrong?

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