How frequently do you have to do shitty things in order to be a A-hole. I did something dickish the other day and got into massive trouble because of that. Of course, i regretted it beacuse i got into trouble but shortly after that i felt bad because behavior like this makes me hate people too so i regretted it this way. Am i an asshole now or did my dark side just pay a visit?

  1. An asshole is a very arrogant person and someone who flicks a paper clip into a persons eye is doing a asshole thing in the moment, but isn’t a asshole in general.

  2. Being an asshole is an attitude. Doing an assholish thing is an action.

    You could conceivably do shit things all day and not be an asshole, even though you will be perceived as one, but most people’s attitudes are driven by their behaviours. So enough asshole moves and you become one, much like enough kind actions and you can become kind (like Stitch).

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