***NOTE: When I say ‘interview’ I don’t mean ‘job interview’. I mean a podcast or Youtube interview. Basically like a media interview.***

I was thinking about different types of practice to overcome fear of speaking in public and lack of confidence in talking about oneself to others, and it struck me that a mock podcast interview might be a good way to practice. Here’s why I think so:

* It’s an engaging activity that involves two people actively participating (instead of just one person speaking and others listening passively like during a mock presentation)
* It can be done in a variety of different ways, depending on comfort level (from one-on-one audio-only to live video in front of a group), and is something that can be laddered up
* You don’t need to prepare a ton like you would for a mock speech or presentation (although preparation will still help, but you already know the material)
* You can practice creating and telling ‘snackable stories’ about yourself that you then go on to tell repeatedly in real-life situations
* To me at least, as someone who has feared public speaking, it seems like a more relaxing way to ease oneself into being in the spotlight. You’re just having a conversation with someone (but add just one audience member and voila! you’re ‘public speaking’)


It hits on the following areas that could help with public speaking and also just general social skills:

* impromptu speaking (ie thinking on your feet)
* talking about yourself
* active listening (both when you’re playing the role of interviewer and interviewee)
* storytelling (answering a question about what you do or how you got into what you do)
* paying attention to the cues of others

I think this type of practice can be relevant to many aspects of your life. Being able to do a presentation well is great for work, but becoming comfortable talking about yourself, telling stories, and answering questions will help you at work, networking events, social functions where you’re meeting new people, family dinners… Everywhere!

What do you guys think?

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