So I (F26) developed a crush on this guy at work (M29). We began talking at work v casually. I didn’t make any moves or anything just would say hi to him. He started to talk to me more and ask me questions like what do I do for fun, music interest Etc. A lot of get to know you questions. So I began to feel like maybe he liked me? I noticed him trying to be close to me at work and we’d sit and chat during breaks. Well one day I decided to text him and we talked a lot over texts. During a conversation he shared his gf had cooked dinner so that’s when I found out he had a gf. Anyway it kinda sucked but I just thought he maybe liked me too? I don’t have much dating experience so 🤷🏻‍♀️. Idk what to do, if I should continue messaging him as friends? Ugh this sucks.

  1. I’m sorry if you got wrong queues/message from the mans. He was trying to be a friend and get to know you platonicly. He might have ill intent, but do not fall. Keep your value and save the drama. Be a friend or be a flirt, just make sure he’s single like you have been.

  2. I feel you girl 🙁 you can continue to be friends if you still enjoy interacting but I guess you don’t have to put him as a priority anymore?

  3. this happened to me with a school friend. I’m sorry. My advice would be to scale back the texting to just work-related topics but remain friendly in person and eventually I promise the infatuation will fade.

  4. Based on the intro, I thought i wrote it because I am also F26 and my work crush is M29 and he also has a girlfriend.

    He would casually say “love you” but I have never ever responded. I don’t know if it’s because I’m trying to stop myself from falling for him or I just don’t think it’s appropriate. Either way, I plan on using a different room in the office from him so I would have less interactions with him. Hope everything goes well for you OP.

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