Tldr; I need advice as someone who’s in their first long term and healthy relationship. Is there such thing as a good and not so good amount of time for a couple to see each other each week, when living about 25 min away from each other (both can drive)? Could him being okay with seeing me less be a dealbreaker? Should it be?
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I’ve been with my bf for about a little over a year now, and knew each other 1 year before that as friends. When we were in the honeymoon phase, we saw each other 2-3 times a week, usually 3.

Around month 6 that died down to 1-2 times a week. After month 9 it was 1-2 times a week, usually once a week. A month ago I did bring this up as I realized I wanted to see him more than once a week. We’ve now been seeing each other for a more solid 2 days a week. However, this was mentioned a month ago and he’s about to move out from his parent’s place (to a place only like 3 minutes closer to me lol), so we’ll see how that goes.

We’re both introverts, although I definitely like going out more. I’d say our need to go out for dates is me 60%/ him 40%. We compromised so that one day a week we hang out at home, and one day a week we go out. I think that’s a pretty good compromise. Again, I can only wait and see if it’ll hold up though. Also, we live 25-30 min from each other.

This is my first long term relationship and a very healthy one at that. That compromise we made is how we’ve always handled things up until now. I know that “its different for every couple,” but I guess I’m trying to figure out what I really want. I’m not completely sure I want to keep it just twice a week. Ideally, maybe 3-4 times a week? I understand schedules can get busy (i actually work more than he does). So, to me that twice a week stuff would be for just that, when life happens. Otherwise? I think I do expect to see him more.

Isn’t the amount we see each other supposed to go up over time? Not decrease? This just concerns me a bit because we have talked about moving in together after another year. If he only wants to see me twice a week, wouldn’t living with me feel like torture lol..

I understand people are different. I actually relate to how he needs space from even his closest people. I definitely could not do seeing him every single day, or be present while im around him 24/7. 2 times a week just seems kinda low when I personally dont think we live *that* far from each other. And he was going to school like 10min from my apartment around the 8 month mark, yet didnt ask to meet up for lunch. We just did it once because I brought it up. And he’d come over after school for planned dates sometimes, but never really because he asked me himself.

We’re a good team, Id hate for us to not work out. But I think at this point its important to figure out if I feel like Im missing anything from the relationship and if so, is it a dealbreaker? I think he’d be alright with me going over his a bit more… but I may want someone who just asks to pop by my place or meet up with me spontaneously here and there, too.

We also hung out 3 times this week for the first time in a while. Twice were sleepovers. And he seemed… still nice and great like usual, but almost like he was SO ready for space lol. I was too, but not to that extent. Like I could’ve been okay with staying longer, after some hours of alone time in separate parts of the house (which we did do before I left). He seemed done done though. This situation is what has me wondering about all this. Because when i sense this in him it starts to make me feel like im being a nuisance, and awkwardly wondering if i should leave which i think he sense too haha. Its not a nice feeling.

I guess one more thing is that in the past, when he wasnt working & i was only working very few hours, if there was a chance for us to sleepover two times in a row he wouldnt really care to take it. 2 nights happened if it was just too late in the night by the time he decided to go. And we didnt have as many chances to be completely alone because I have roommates and he lives with parents. So this was a little concerning for me. Although thats a whole other topic. We did talk about our sex life, and while we have similar kinks and it feels amazing each time, we came to the conclusion that he’s more okay with less chances for sex than I am. We compromised on that as well though, and Im much more satisfied with our sex life now.

All this to say… could it turn out that hes not as into me as we both thought? I say this because Ive dated guys in the past who soon enoguh were more and more okay with seeing me and having sex with me less and less until they broke it off. And my bf has told me that he knew he liked me a lot because in the past he’d get tired of his exs so fast. Or have an okay time with them but be so ready to go home a few hours before he was actually supposed to.

He genuinely does like to spend time with me. I just think I do still worry that my past will repeat itself.. although, like his past relationships, my exs would also get “tired” of me much quicker (in just a couple months). So maybe this is a normal way that good relationships develop. Again, I have very little experience with longer and healthier relationships. So I’m looking for answers, even though answers for dating aren’t always so cut and dry. If we end up being incompatible to the point where I’m not getting what I want, I would want to end it asap so as not to drag it out because that would hurt more. I just hope its not the case.

Also, I definitely will talk about this with him. We talk about everything, no matter how difficult. But I really wanted outside opinions too this time.

  1. theres no set time. it is how much ever you want to spend together that keeps both of you satisfied. if one believes it isnt enough the other should be willing to pick up the slack

  2. Wow. Rational time allotments. Conflicts worked out. No being snubbed because you “aren’t passionate enough” or being guilted for not showing up, or being “compatible”.

    Just do what you are doing. Enjoy your working life.

    Most people don’t have that

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