How did you get that scar on your knee?

  1. I slipped on black ice while running and thought duct tape would be an acceptable bandaid.

  2. Playing kickball in 3rd grade, I tripped over the ball and smacked into the pavement. The doc said I was lucky I didn’t break anything.

  3. S’not a scar, it’s a bruise from me sitting awkwardly in every chair I occupy ever

  4. Riding my bike in a gravel parking lot of a church on Sunday morning. I crashed and had chunks of gravel in my knee. I had to walk home.

  5. Got up to switch the light on and walked into the side/corner of an open desk drawer.

  6. I was swimming in a lake and my leg brushed against a zebra mussel shell on a pylon. My aunt asked if I wanted to go to the hospital. I said nah.

  7. I crashed into someone while snowboarding and their board sliced through my pants into my knee.

  8. Rolled a 4-wheel ATV on loose gravel. It’s also how I got the scar on my chin.

  9. I brushed past a cardboard box and somehow slashed my knee open on one of the corners.

  10. Shark jaw. It’s not as bad as it sounds! When I was like 7, a friend was showing me a shark jaw that her dad had. She left it on the bed and it got covered in blankets. We started playing tag and the bed was the safe zone, so I was running away from her and jumped on the bed and got a nice big gash on my knee.

  11. I currently have a lot of minor cuts on my knee because my cats like to grip my knees for stability when petting.

  12. Scraped my knee against a trimmed zip tie while kneeling to clean a guinea pig cage. Was wearing shorts. Now have a 2 inch scar across the top of my kneecap. It got me good.

  13. I was coming up out of a cellar and put my knee onto a huge piece of broken glass.

  14. I was attacked by a man and pushed to the ground when I was younger. My knee still has the scars and clicks to this day.

  15. One is from shaving, the two round scars right in the center of both of my knees are from rollerblading. Fell on my face hard and had big crusts that didn’t heal well.

  16. A gnarly gash sliding into home plate when I was 14. Followed by a bloody cycle & softball season of said gash scabbing over, only to re-open the next time I had to get down n dirty.

  17. Not my knee but my thigh- have a scar from a horrible spider bite I had to have surgically removed as a kid

  18. fell directly on a crooked piece of sidewalk while i went running the day before the whole world shut down 😵‍💫

  19. Crash landing while paragliding in Argentina. Very fortunate that a scar is all that came from it.

  20. Falling from bed while carrying my little brother (he’s okay, don’t worry)
    And falling from my bike

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