Hello everyone.

Long story short I was in a relationship that lasted around 2 months.

I was blindsided by being broken up, and finally feel like I’m close to being over it. It was very difficult for me, losing someone I was just getting to really know, someone I adored.

I have a nice job, workout daily, and have been attempting to make new friends and go out.

I just feel like this small fling made me realize that I want more in life. I know the next person won’t come tomorrow but how do I feel content about being single again? It just feels like something is missing, and I want that to change.

If you’ve made it this far thank you, because reading this itself means a lot.

1 comment
  1. The best advice I can give is to just let life lead you where it may. Focus on living your life and improving yourself. Eventually the right person will appear. At least that’s what I tell myself 😂

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