My bf doesn’t want to have safe sex, and expects me to use birth controls right out of high school, but I don’t want to.

  1. Doesn’t sound like someone you want to be in a relationship with, let alone have sex with.

  2. 33F here. I skimmed your original post. Listen to this episode of the Sex With Emily podcast, called “ejaculate responsibly”. It’s about the burden of contraception and the conversation around condom use. I think it will really resonate with you. Listen to it, then send it to your boyfriend. He needs to understand the burden that he’s asking you to take on with his crappy and selfish attitude.

    This kid has not even given condoms a fair shake. Absolutely do not give in to his demands. It’s your body. Do not let him pressure you into not using protection.

  3. I’m pro choice, but that abortion idea, he’d probably get a kick in the nuts every time he even thinks that. (Don’t take me too serious, but wow.)

    Stand by your point. Condoms are not amazing, but they work and, in the right size, are not horrible.

  4. This is the kind of guy who would dump you if you got pregnant and would never willingly pay child support.

  5. Didn’t even have to read the rest of the post – your bf wants all of the pleasure of sex while expecting ALL of the responsibility to manage potential consequences to fall on you. Sorry, not buying it. Sex involves, at very least two people and so both parties need to be equally involved in taking precautions. He sounds selfish – and this coming from a man. If he wants you to take birth control, he needs to use condoms.

  6. What many people don’t appreciate also, is the side effects of birth control.

    They’re basically ignored due to the fact they allow for unprotected sex. I guess that objective achieved as far as many dudes go.

    The side effects seem to range from mood swings and skin conditions, to straight up stroke symptoms. My wife was on birth control for a while and I’d personally never ask her to put herself through that again.

    We used the rhythm method for a while, although it takes some commitment, again from the woman, to record her periods vigilantly.

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