You might be familiar with two well known studies, one by Chivers and the other by Rieger. Basically it showed most straight women were aroused by all sorts of sex, regardless of gender, as well as nude women as well as men. Some interpreted the second as saying women were all bi or gay but never straight. How many women here are aroused by other women or lesbian sex? How many are not?

I feel as many have said that arousal doesn’t equate to orientation, and arousal often works differently among women. E.g. many relate more to being the woman than desiring her. Also we’ve been conditioned to find other women more sexy etc.

  1. Strongly agree with “identifying with the woman rather than desiring her”. Also women are more likely to be aroused by cues other that visual ie tone of voice, non-verbal communication, mood, situation, emotional connection.

  2. Based on my own experience very few women are actually 100% straight and I would add to it, men are neither. It’s nature vs nurture. Men are conditioned to be straight, enforced a lot of times by religion or laws inspired by religion, whereas women are always given that latitude to explore sexually. Men are afraid of being called gay (negatively) where as women aren’t viewed immediately as a lesbian for exploring their sexuality with another woman. It’s likely the reasoning why lesbian porn is mainstream and gay / bi male porn isn’t.

    My girlfriend and I (M) have been exploring her sexuality and is very much aroused by other women, has made out with a woman, would enjoy sex with a woman but prefers sex with a man.

  3. Also many didnt even have a concept of heterosexuality. Like whether a man penetrated or was penetrated mattered more than the fact he was with a man.

  4. My (64m) wife (67f) is the straightest woman I’ve known. She’s a painter so she has intimate knowledge of anatomy and has seen many men and women naked. She’s very open and uninhibited sexually, and we’re very open with one another. I’ve told her that I’m mildly bi-curious, and have also told her that most of my past partners were somewhat turned on by other women, if not actually bi. But she says she feels none of that. She certainly appreciates beautiful women (and men) but just doesn’t get a sexual hit off of it at all.

    So maybe she’s the exception that proves the rule?

  5. I feel like I have chemistry with other women and enjoy flirting with them and I can find other women attractive but at the end of the day I don’t want to have sex with them

  6. I don’t find other women or lesbian sex arousing 🤷‍♀️ I guess I’m as straight as a dry spaghetti noodle? I do think that they can be beautiful, and admire their forms, but I’m not ‘into them’ if that makes sense.

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