I’ve been taking antidepressants since age 18 and about a year ago I started to reduce my dose until fully removing them this year, so even though I’ve been having sex for a few years and I’m in a now 3 year relationship, I’ve only started to achieve orgasms recently; with them, came the realization I was a squirter.

It was funny at first, my partner has no issue with it and she actually likes it, “ha ha my little water gun”, but after a while I became extremely annoyed with it. I once squirted a lot and the wet spot was about a 12-inch diameter and I panicked and started crying, I have stained several bedsheets and I can see a mild yellow hue regardless of how faded it is. I feel embarassed and disgusted by it, I’ve also never met anyone else that did it (that I know of) so I know it’s not a regular thing.

I can’t control it, I pee before and after sex, I use towels, I don’t drink water for a few hours before, I masturbate frequently and do kegels, it doesn’t matter, I don’t even feel it coming out of me until I feel the wet stuff dripping onto my buttcrack or hear a wet sound. And it’s always so much you’d think I have a 3 year old coming out of diapers in my house, the only thing that has worked is having sex on the hard floor so I can wipe out with toilet paper later (I’m always scared someone might smell it as I live with my grandparents).

Every time I look up how to stop, I get hit with things like “never stop squirting, it’s super hot” or “just buy a doggy pad or a yoga mat”, and I understand it, but this is something that actively bothers me and makes me uncomfortable, so it’s only natural I want to stop it. I’m always self conscious about it but I can’t control it, I barely feel it and I just feel like a toddler or an elderly person who can’t control her own bladder, it’s extremely humiliating.

I appreciate advice on how to stop it as I feel like I’ve tried everything.

  1. It’s not a bad thing at all. But you can mitigate it by having some towels there when you have sex

  2. It’s unlikely you’ll be able to stop yourself from squirting without trying to limit your pleasure. I get what you are saying. It’s not my perspective, but I get it. I think rather than spending energy on trying to stop it, spend that energy in trying to accept it, simply because it’s not going to change.

  3. The humiliation aspect is only something that she can work through with her partner and professional help. Understanding that this fluid is not urine is an important step. She uses a lot of language that associates this fluid with urine in her mind.

  4. I’m exactly the same way. I find it very hard to cum without squirting, and I haven’t figured out a reliable way to suppress it.

    It sucks that you feel negatively about it though. I have been squirting since I was young, so it’s always been a part of normal sexual activity for me. My mom used to think I was wetting the bed until we finally discussed it. She got me a waterproof blanket and that’s what I’ve been using ever since. Towels can help, but as you said, it often soaks right through. Peeing before sex can definitely reduce the volume, so do that at least to limit the amount.

    I’ve also found that drinking *more* water helps dilute it, so when I do squirt it’s much more clear and less yellow/smelly. I drink enough water these days that I really can’t tell that there is urine in it. Water is good for you anyway, so think of it as 2 birds 1 stone.

    I don’t know how to help you overcome your discomfort with squirting, but I hope that you can learn to accept and enjoy it for what it is. I personally find my squirting orgasms much more satisfying than non-squirting orgasms. And because I’m so comfortable with it and have such positive associations with it, I am very attracted to it when my female partners squirt.

    There are lots of aspects of your anatomy that you simply can’t change, and as soon as you can accept them, the happier you’ll be. It’s a process though, and isn’t always easy.

    Maybe when you move out of your grandparents’ place you’ll feel less conscious of it. It sounds like your fear of them finding out it negatively impacting your perception of squirting.

  5. The only thing I can suggest is therapy. I have known a number of people who have issues like this where they have declared something disgusting or undesirable or whatever, most commonly semen, and none of them have ever gotten past it. But I don’t know how hard they have tried with therapy. good luck

  6. You need to just love yourself for who you are, and uncontrollable discharges during sex is merely part of your sexual identity. Yes, it’s inconvenient–I’ve had lovers who literally made the entire bed so wet we couldn’t sleep on it–but try and work around those inconveniences with towels and the like, as you’ve had recommended to you. You’re neither like a toddler nor a senior citizen: you’re just a woman who after years of being on medication, has found that she responds to sexual pleasure far more intensely than the average woman ever experiences. So, you can allow this aspect of your physiology torment you or elate you. It is all dependent on your perspective; and yes, you can choose to look at it either way.

  7. Water proof blankets and find a guy who really loves it. I like it and I have a squirter and shes amazing. More guys than you think like it and you should try to accept it as a part of you. It’s not really worth getting fussed uo over. So you make a mess…but it’s really hot and cute and amazing to feel it all gush out knowing I brought that feeling to her. Be easy on yourself, it’s not a bad thing.

    I don’t think you can just stop squirting unless you actively prevent yourself from getting close to or at climax, cause that’s when it happens. But what fun is no cum?

  8. I understand. I always go to the bathroom before sex too. But I realized that being overstimulated or close to overstimulated led to me squirting (personally). I could usually stop it if I felt that I was going to squirt, but doing that effectively shut down my orgasm. Now I just make sure I don’t get overstimulated, but it still happens once in a while. However, when I was pregnant it was basically impossible for me not to squirt. Between being especially sensitive and all the extra fluid in my body, it just wasn’t in the cards I guess!

  9. don’t look at it as a curse but as a blessing. Use towels and waterproof sheets.
    And enjoy good sex 😉

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