My girlfriend of 2 years wants to take brake, she told me this, says that loves me.. But i can’t, i see brake as n end of relationship and its killing me. I don’t know what to do. I know i should respect her choise and let her be alone but i think she will leave me and i don’t wanna lose her. She told me that she can’t tell what will happen…

I can’t guys my hearth is shattered into a million pieces. I want to cry, scream.. Help me pls.. What should i do..

  1. ABS or drum style? Sorry that she broke your hearth. Hope you get it repaired before winter. Maybe next time provide more details when you want advice like how you messed up.

  2. I the thing that im the problem is killing me the most. That my arms are twisted. And i have to wait and this waiting is killin me specialy when i don’t know what to expect..

  3. Dude, dont cry over that, let her go if she wants, if she comes back, good, if not, good, get another girl.
    Dont make a big deal out of it and if you think she will leave, are you sure she really loves you?
    Lots of fish in the sea mate, dont stress over one.

  4. Get out there and smash you some strange tooter holes bro! Let a MILF deepthroat you. Reconnect with an old flame for a passionate night of decadance. It’s a green light to go sow some wild oats.

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