Before I met my husband, I had lots of sex and sexual activity, so lots of partners (safe of course) and I masturbated every day. I’ve always had a high sex drive.

We met, and fell in love. The sex was great in the beginning, but was what I would call ‘infrequent’ – maybe once a week?

It is now to the point where we are only having sex every 6 months. I miss it like crazy but I have initiated and he rejects me, saying he’s too tired or a headache (yeah I know).

ASAIK nothing has changed about me – I’m the same size, I continue to work, we haven’t had a child … I can’t think of anything that’s different. He has been to hospital twice in the last 18 months for unrelated issues and they didn’t indicate there were any medical issues.

He treats me really well and he is definitely not cheating on me … I guess I’m sad thinking that at my age I might have had sex for the last time. Should I consider leaving the marriage for the sake of physical intimacy?

  1. Has your husband spoken with his physician regarding the matter? He’s at the age where low testosterone could adversely affect his libido.

  2. I don’t think 44 is age old enough for you to stop having sex.. maybe try going to couple’s therapy first or like a sex couple therapy expert.

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