How did you meet your gf?

  1. Through Family, our families have been friends for 50 years or so. I eventually married the gf

  2. Saw her at a bus station wearing a slipknot hoodie. I was also wearing one so decided to say hello. Was friends for 3 years n been together near 2 years

  3. College. I overheard another girl saying she was single, so I marched up to her, got her number, and asked her out. We’re married now.

  4. (Wife now) was dating her best friend in high school. The friend and I split on good terms and told me I should date my now wife. We were all friends for several years and that ex drifted out of friendship.

    Basically an ex girlfriend passed her problems off to her best friend and now we’re happy married.

  5. I didn’t I’m single

    Edit 1: Why the fuck y’all giving me awards for being single lol

  6. Bar, just turned 18. Went to the same school but never knew her.

    Shot my shot, we get married in september 😁

  7. University. She messaged me twice for help with homework the first year, I asked her out a year later lol

  8. We played mixed netball against each other. I was a defender, in a contest and I hip & shouldered her, broke her wrist. Oooops, saw her 3 months later and we started dating and still going, that was in 1989.

  9. I was 17 and she was 14. She was the girlfriend of my girlfriend’s younger brother. Didn’t see each other for 3 yrs. I was 20 and she was 17, if you need help with the math. 2 years later we were married. That was over 40 wonderful years ago. I love my wife.

  10. First girlfriend (1999-2000). Got to know each other through a LARP online community, went on a meetup and hormonal teenage shenanigans happened.

    Second one: met through mutual friends when our groups were queuing for LotR premiere tickets (I think it was for the two towers?).

    Third (short term thing): classmates at the uni, she was a exchange student with a semester left before she went home so we had a six month-thing neither expected to last.

    Fourth one: (2008-ish) Online music community, she crept into my DMs trying to sell some festival tickets after her friends bailed on her. I wasn’t going, but we kept talking and hit it off.

    Everyone I’ve dated after this: Tinder or a now defunct rock club that I frequented

  11. I dip my pen in company ink. I met her working at a debt collection agency. I met my ex Working with her at a gas station.

  12. A buddy of mine was trying to pick her up, so he thought he’d introduce her to me in an effort to impress her. I scored so weed for them and we watched movies, until she tried climbing out the window.

    A week later a group of friends are hanging out, and we go to an arcade. He ditches her at the entrance to the place, and that’s really awkward because she’s an introvert and doesn’t really know any of us. So I decided to hang with her, and do my best to make sure she has a good time.

    We’ve been married for 17 years. Lover her more than anything.

  13. Dancing lessons. We were 15 her 16 me and we are together since. Im 27 she is 26 now.

  14. I was sitting in the bus and she dropped a little piece of paper with her number on it to where my backpack was. When i got out of the bus i recognized it, took it with me and later that day wrote her.

  15. First day at new job. I was doing some online stuff and she came and sat next to me and we just clicked instantly. Still together a year and a half later 🙂

  16. Hinge. Been together 1.5 years and it’s the most supportive loving relationship I’ve been in.

  17. Last one was a friend from high school, she was supposed to be a roommate since we were both dating other people when she moved in, we figured out neither of us was in an exclusive relationship, then we realized the other people really sucked. We were together for 12 years until she passed in January.

  18. While dessed as Anakin Skywalker for a party. I wanted to talk to the girl dressed as Rey. Thankfully she wanted to talk to me too.

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