Men, how do you deal with being touch deprived?

  1. It sucks lol. I would say I’m more touch deprived than sex deprived on my list of importance. Touch is one of my love languages.

  2. ….get a girlfriend or two and solve your ”touch-deprivation” issue?

    Catholic priests don’t get touched and they are doing just fine. What are you complaining about?

  3. Keep suppressing the pain, hoping to god we find a woman, because touching anybody else is a sign of “weakness” or being gay, and trying to not think about it as much as possible.

  4. Hug my best friends. They are not the most touchy people, but they know it means a lot to me so we do.

  5. I didn’t even know what being touch deprived was, or what it meant to be touch starved, until I had somebody just cradle me, kiss me, and run her hands through my hair while whispering that it was okay and that I could just relax for a minute.

    It was a changing experience, I didn’t realize how much I needed that specifically until I had it, and now that it’s gone, I just don’t think about it and work out as much as I can.

  6. No worries. It will switch into anxiety of being touched if you make it through all the way.

  7. Lucky for me, the young lady who runs my machine at night is also touch deprived. At shift change we share a nice long hug, some kind words and a thank you.

  8. I have a friend who is okay with me asking for hugs. If my friend isn’t available, a pillow helps.

  9. I hug a big pillow or I trace my fingers across my skin. It’s not the same, but somehow it helps. Especially the pillow. If I’m sitting on the couch watching tv, I’m usually hugging a pillow

  10. Drugs, alcohol, video games, movies, work, sleep, various hobbies, etc. Mostly doesn’t do much, but life sucks then you die I guess.

  11. This is a strange thing between men and women. I honestly believe my SO could go for weeks without some sort of touch. I can barely manage days. She sees it as a bunch of sexual advances, and mostly just tolerates the hugs, nuzzles, and attention. She never initiates it.

  12. Very badly. The worse it gets, the more anxiety I have and the best way I have to deal with anxiety is by driving my cars.

  13. Go to the barber shop where only women work. Might get lucky and she runs her fingers through your hair a few times.

  14. Why is this asked multiple times a day in this subreddit?

    Is it because it’s a great way to get some quick karma?

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