Hi, first of all sorry for my English, it’s not my first language but I need help and advice. I met my bf back in February in his country and been dating since then. I went back to my country mid April and he came to visit me for a month at the beginning of the month.

We had some problems in the past, they we talked about and I forgave him, but I had a gut feeling that there was something else. A few days ago I was changing a song from his phone and I saw a text from his “ex” and opened it (I know I was in the wrong here but I trust my instincts) and read a little bit and realized that they are still together and EXPECTING FOR A BABY.

He was also lying to her, saying that he wasn’t with me, that he was with some other friends he has here and that I was basically stalking him and stealing videos from his Facebook and posting them on my Instagram stories to make her believe I am with him.

I made my decision, I don’t want to stay with him anymore, I don’t want listening to him trying to explain everything to me like I did in the past, I want to say goodbye to him, go back to my house and block him everywhere so I don’t have to talk to him ever again.

The problem is he is staying here in my country for another 2 weeks, and he knows where I live, he knows my friends, he knows my mom and dad and brother and I also don’t know how to start the conversation, but I have a knot in the chest and I need to tell him everything and leave.

What can I do?

TL;DR: I found out my boyfriend has another girl who is pregnant in his home country and I don’t know how to leave him.

  1. Just leave. Disappear. Go home. Block him everywhere. Also tell his baby momma if you can. Because she deserves to know that he’s stepping out on her while she’s carrying her child. He’s exposing you, and her, and his unborn child to STIs.

  2. YOU are the OTHER WOMAN. He lied to you so it’s not your fault. They are expecting a child. You are redundant in the situation. It’s never going to work out. This situation is hurtful and embarrassing and mortifying enough. You know all you need to know, just stop talking to him. Don’t drag it out any further. He’s a scum bag and it’s over already.

  3. Fill your family in with what you found and together, tell him he needs to return home and he has overstayed his welcome.

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