How do you know she’s the one?

  1. Nobody _is_ the one, rather you treat her as the one for you. So the correct questions are – do you want to have her as the one? Can you make it work, with her?

  2. I desire feminine sweetness.

    Physical affection (hugs, head scratches, cuddles), Asking me how my day was, Support and appreciation, Clear communication, Her initiating sex

  3. I’d say it depends on the person. For me it was when I realised that I actually never tought about being without her(me being a person that overthinks) or losing her. Having many insecurities about my body but never felt anxious around her.

  4. The real answer here is you don’t and there is not “one” out there for you.

    I thought my ex was the one for sure. ZERO doubt in my head. I’d make us coffee in the mornings and we would discuss difficult things.

    We told the truth (or so I thought) had dogs together, had experienced loss together the whole whatever.

    Don’t ever let yourself get to a place where you have ZERO DOUBT

    If you do this your mind will start to predicate all of your future with that person as a major factor. Then, if it falls apart suddenly and there is betrayal involved….. it’s so traumatic I still can’t explain what I felt that day.

    It was like being on solid ground and god himself hit delete on the floor below me.

    By far the most painful moment of my life.

  5. You don’t. You just find one that you think is as compatible as possible and hope she doesn’t change or things don’t change once you get married. Unfortunately they usually do change.

  6. After a threeway on new years the next morning I said, I’m going to marry you. Purposed several months later. 10/10 would do again 5 years married.

  7. You don’t ask that question in the first place, because you know that you will never know although your dick will insist it knows.

  8. You wont give a fuck what anyone elses answer to this question is. It seriously wont matter for shit.

  9. After you’ve had enough relationships where you weren’t satisfied, you realize there’s something those women didn’t give you that you wanted. Maybe you try to get it from somewhere else. Then you realize that what you’ve been getting from others is what you want from a gf.

    I wasn’t entirely satisfied in my past relationships. One was hot and really nice. The other was very caring and even kind of thought in a similar way to me. Despite this, I still sought more fulfilling interactions outside those relationships.

    I wanted someone who would challenge my ideas and beliefs. I wanted someone who was curious and wanted to be challenged as well. Since I couldn’t get that from my partner, I tried finding it by arguing with strangers on the internet and listening to lectures and video essays.

    So now I know that the girl who is “The One” will be intensely curious and interested in learning.

  10. if once you get past the honeymoon phase you still can genuinely see a future with her then she’s the one

  11. There is no “the one”. But if she’s a .85, you’re doing well. Make it work.

  12. When you can both truly be yourselves around one another and you are both happy to spend time with one another.

  13. If you trust her and she’s dependable and responsible plus ur attracted to her then she probably wife material.

  14. Call me a romantic, but I believe in the one, the one who melts your worries away with a hug, the one who can make you blush by just looking at you, the one who your comfortable being yourself with in every way, the one who you can trust implicitly without question. If you can lean on this person In good and bad times, if you feel safe and happy. Then they are the one. Good luck to you, hang onto that love and don’t let go.

  15. You don’t – it’s all stupid shit that people use to excuse their primitive, animalistic behaviour. If they create the idea of “the one”, it gives them a reason to go around, sniffing for girls to stick their dong in. The number of degenerates that have sheepishly fallen for the idea is hilarious. I look down on them.

  16. You won’t suddenly know she’s the one but if you keep building on your relationship together one day you’ll think back and all your best memories will be together and you won’t be able to imagine going through life without her by your side.

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