What is your most humiliating experience as a man?

  1. Closing the doors to my first business.

    I have never felt so humbled, so like a failure, as when I set out to achieve something and watched it come apart. To know it was all my fault, that I had been too proud to ask for help and thought I could do it all on my own, made it all the worse.

  2. Pretty hard to pick one, but getting movie scene style stood up on a date is pretty high up there

  3. Two years after I graduated from college they had a job fair back at my old college and I tell my family and everybody I’m going. My career hadn’t gone anywhere so I drove the 2 1/2 hours back. So I get there and you have to “check in” and they basically have zero idea where to put people who have already graduated (this part wasn’t my fault, the thing specifically said alumni were welcome). Still, it was awkward as fuck. Like, “why are you here?”

    But I eventually get through and start meeting with people. Basically NOTHING. Stop in and people light up. Tell them what my degree was in, “Oh…yeah…we’re not looking for anybody in your field.” Fucking non-stop for 90 straight minutes. Like their interest in me was on a lightswitch, “Oh…” FLIP! “Have a nice afternoon then.” Longest conversation I had with anybody was a company I actually owned a bit of stock in. That was the only thing that got me past introductions.

    I ended up actually stealing literature from a few booths just so I could lie to friends and family that anybody was even remotely interested in me. Never felt so worthless in my life. Then went to the bar and drank Scotch until I couldn’t see straight.

    Happy Epilogue: If those fuckers could see me now. 😤

  4. Where do I start?

    *The look of the US VISA guy when I told him what I was earning. Instant denial so I never made it for my brothers wedding.

    *Taking a chick out to a music festival, then finding out that I have a piss poor tolerance of alcohol.

    *Losing my job and having guests continually ask why I’m still living with my parents.

    *Going to friends meetups with nothing meaningful to contribute.

  5. The pretext here is I have spinal issues that mean I’m in and out of specialist hospitals and doctors appointments.

    I turned up late to a lecture and sat in the front, I’d just had an appointment and was late so missed some important info, I asked the lecturer to clarify some details and in front of the whole lecture theatre, she spoke into the microphone and jokingly motioned to the crowd like it was some sort of play “if you’d been here at the start, you’d know the answer wouldnt you” so I picked up my stuff and walked out.

  6. The couple of times that I had embarrassing bedroom incidents where I either couldn’t get started or I managed to both start and finish within a couple of minutes. Few things were more emascualting than those.

  7. When my ex wife slept with her coworker. What cheaters don’t realize is that they do permanent damage to the person that they cheat on. Truthfully we were married way too young, and life worked out much better than it would have had we stayed together. But, it still did permanent damage to me that I will have to deal with for the rest of my life. I wish she would have just left first. Luckily, my wife, the mother of my children, understood that I was damaged goods and she still to this day recognizes when I’m feeling uneasy due to my past experience.

  8. I had to give a speech in college and completely broke down. Stuttering, sweaty palms, shaking, etc. I was terrified of public speaking. Made a fool of myself. Then, I went to Toastmaster meetings and learned how to do it. Toastmasters is a great organization and I highly recommend them. Now, I’m great at public speaking and actually enjoy it, all thanks to Toastmasters and the people there that helped me. I think every young adult should join them and take their speaking course. It will help you in your career and life.

  9. I swear I’m not trying to be funny or undermine a one’s actual grievances , but I here I go, I take a lot of pride in my cooking , I talk a big game when it comes to BBQ and the other night I was cooking a T-bone steak chimichurri Argentinian style and I had a couple too many beers / got lost in conversation and cooked it to medium…. It’s haunted me for weeks, i actually can’t stop thinking about how I fucked it up every time I lay my head down on my pillow.

  10. – Not getting hard during sex, even though you are turned on.

    – Your gf not wanting to sleep with you.

  11. In 8th grade, a few 10th-grade douchébag guys surrounded me on the soccer court in the school yard while I was playing with others from my grade, one of the guys threw me to the ground and pinned me down, then had one of his female groupies literally kick my balls literally while I was down, then asked me loudly in front of everyone – girls and boys – how it felt having a chick kick my balls. He wouldn’t let me go until I had answered – my answer didn’t matter, regardless of the fact I answered I hated it and that it hurt, he had achieved his goal, – and I promptly ran away crying in shame, frustration at my inability to do anything against them, and hatred for what they had done.

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