So what would it mean if I’m sexually attracted to girls, but not interested romantically? I don’t want to label myself anything specific. I am a girl btw. I’m mainly straight, at least that’s what I consider myself. I want to be in a relationship with a guy, marry a guy, sexually attracted to guys, but the idea of having sex with a girl is intriguing to me and there are some girls I’ve seen that I’m sexually attracted to. I just don’t see myself wanting to be in a relationship with another girl.

  1. I don’t know what it means, or if it has to mean anything.

    But, you don’t sound confused to me. You sound like you know what you want, just not what to call it. You don’t have to label it, just go with it!

  2. Dreamgirl!!! Welcome to the threesomes world!!! I’m a bit like u, I haven’t really losen up yet, but I had a threesome with my partner and another girl and I loved it. I can’t wait for the second! I don’t label myself anything really, I’m just me & im fun!

  3. The way I define bisexuality, this is bisexual to me but you identify however you want.

    I identify as bisexual because I’m sexually attracted and women. That’s what feels right for me.

    That said you aren’t confused IMO. Just sounds like the label part makes you uneasy. But if mainly straight is what feels right, that’s ok.

  4. It depends. Personally, I used to think the same way, but the opportunity had presented itself more than once and I was immediately uncomfortable and not interested. For me it was purely fantasy.

  5. I have the same and I like to consider myself bi-sexual bot not bi-romantic. I think there’s a big difference and people always assume that being bisexual inadvertently means you’re bi-romantoc, but it doesn’t.
    This helped me define what I’m experiencing so maybe it helps you too.

  6. I am the same but I am married, so.its irrelevant. I just figure women are beautiful, so it makes sense I would be attracted to them.

  7. The drawn out term seems like hetero-romantic bisexual could be fitting for you,

  8. This sounded like me before I had my first girl experience… and then immediately started dating her. Never thought I’d have any interest in dating a girl at ALL but we had a good relationship for awhile. Now that we’re broken up and my partner is a man I miss getting to be with a woman, so I agree threesomes are fun! But also just let yourself try something and don’t make too many assumptions before you’ve tried it, you may surprise yourself and really form a connection with a woman. Or you may just have an awesome sexual experience with one, both awesome options.

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