It’s been 3 years. I feel really pathetic about this. No we don’t communicate often. When we first met he expressed some interest but I’m reserved and quiet and he’s loud and outgoing so I guess I kinda shyed away from him. At this point I don’t even know if I really like him or if it’s because I have no other serious prospects. I am attractive. Both men and women (strangers) tell me that all the time so that’s not an issue (with respect to my being single problem). It’s not that I’m just sitting around and not working on myself either I have other things in life going for me …career, house, car etc. I just really want to get married and settle down but I feel like I have deep insecurities about not having a solid family. I’m estranged from my family. I think that’s a fear too…the guy I have a crush on has alot of friends and family and people that love him and care about him. I don’t. Sorry if this post is all over the place …but that’s how I feel …all over the place. Thanks for reading and thanks in advance for your advice.

tl;dr: 30 year old single female virgin with 3 year crush on coworker.

  1. Well, first of all, you should feel happy about yourself. Career, house, car, familiy… I just think you want it too much. Just be yourself, no matter how things turn out. And if you really like this man, just invite him for an innocent cup of coffee. If he refuses, you can stop wasting your time. If he joins you, you can see where it brings you. But don’t clamp yourself to it. Let things flow…

  2. What type of job do you have? Is it possible that he doesn’t want to get involved with a coworker because he’s afraid he will lose his job? I guess what I’m asking is how bad would it be if one of you had to leave to be in a relationship as is the case for plenty of jobs.

    Also what makes you feel like they wouldn’t accept you? I think that part might be in your head.

  3. Dude. Slide into his dms and start talking. You got nothing to lose. Dont reject yourself even before they do. With this mindset nothing will ever happen cuz you will just reject yourself.

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