
I’m trying to find decent places to buy indoor plants. If I can order them online that’s a plus, if it’s cheap that’s also a plus!

I appreciate you taking the time to answer, cheers 🙂

  1. You can buy cuttings and baby plants pretty cheap on ebay. They usually come as just the plant in root state, no pot etc. I bought 3 baby spider plants 2 years ago and I now have 11 adult plants and have given away 6…I also have enough babies growing off them to start a business!!

  2. B&Q sell loads of indoor plants and they tend to be decently looked after. Think you can plants order online although they are more likely to get damaged that way rather than collecting them yourself

  3. IKEA is pretty good and well priced. I got a few decent ones from there last year that are still going strong.

  4. Facebook marketplace will often have people selling /giving away cuttings. Usually pretty cheap and local.

    Also check the app Olio – sometimes people are giving them away there or you can make a Wanted listing and you might get some offers

  5. Just find your local garden centre! They tend to sell baby plants low cost and you can watch them grow!

  6. Either local garden centre or look on Etsy. I’ve got a few decent, well packaged ones from Etsy. Check the reviews obviously but I’ve just got a beautiful pothos (checked everywhere near me and couldn’t find a shop selling them).

  7. Homebase and B&Q have plants in good condition, but mostly quite common ones. Rarer ones will have to be mail-ordered.

    If you want to grow herbs indoors, the cheapest way to get some started is to buy one of the pots of “living herbs” from a supermarket – coriander, basil, thyme, etc – and divide up the plants in the pot. The way these are made is by planting many seeds close together, so the pot contains many small plants and that’s how they have lots of small fresh leaves all at the same time. If you carefully split them up (by pulling apart the lump of compost they are in) you can plant the plants separately and they will grow into larger plants. They’re the cheapest “plug plants” you can buy.

  8. I’ve used Patch and bloombox, both have big stocks and delivered quickly, and all still alive several years later! During the plant craze earlier in the pandemic I bought a huuuuuge plant that I’m now regretting, it takes up most of my kitchen.

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