
  1. No but use Google, things like “clever text replies” “best response to wyd”, etc, you’ll get a ton of ideas

  2. U don’t need to reply to every text unless it’s urgent make it a habit to invite people to do stuff in person as talking is alot easier then texting

  3. Me too, I only talk in personal face to face but I can’t think of good reply over the phone 😹😂😂

  4. Sometimes I don’t reply, but often times when I have nothing to say but I want them to know I’m listening I might say ‘*nods*’ or ‘yeah’ or sometimes ‘okay’ or ‘right’. If I want them to keep rambling, but I have nothing to say ‘interesting’ works well. So does ‘neat’. I think I say interesting more than the previous three, probably too much. 😅

    When someone’s emotional and I have nothing to say, “I hear what you’re saying.” or “I hear you.” works well. imo it’s pretty context specific.

  5. Personally I don’t care if you don’t have a good reply, just reply something though. When people consistently ignore my texts I’ll think they’re an asshole and stop talking to them.

  6. Sometimes, I’ll steer the conversation in random directions until we get somewhere with some traction. Otherwise, I’m giving up after a few attempts.

  7. Emojis and reactions to their text is usually my route. Just so they know I’ve read it? I hate being left on read so I try to say something but sometimes there’s nothing to say. I also then tell myself to not overthink it, and to send a message at another point to start a new convo if I can’t respond now.

  8. I ignore texts until I want to reply.

    Thankfully I can read messages without actually opening the app so that helps for me to see if I feel like it requires an immediate response or not.

  9. Yes. If the text doesn’t require a reply or if it is difficult to keep the flow of conversation going I just stop. It might be for a number of reasons – nothing left to say on the matter, the other person is busy, or I’m not interested enough in speaking further. If someone else keeps going I tend to fizzle out to just one word reply so that they get the message I’m done or I stop altogether.

    You don’t owe anyone a reply. If they really want to talk to you then they can try harder at being engaging and asking more engaging questions. Be yourself, do you, don’t worry about it

    I personally can’t stand texts that don’t have any substance like “hello” or “good morning”. I know some people like that though. I prefer it if people reach out to me with a funny thing to share or a question. Like…. gimme something to work with!

  10. I always say “can I get back to you later?” The problem is Later might be in two weeks

  11. And the longer it’s taking you to think of something good to say, the better the response needs to be. At least in my mind 😅

  12. If it doesn’t require a reply I just react 👍🏻 to the message to indicate I’ve read it instead of a boring “ok” or “sounds good”. I did👍🏻to a guy I may or may not be entering into ambiguous romantic territory with, and he started doing that to me too lol

  13. I always reply. Kinda. 🙏😂

    My GF and me, actually talked about this some days ago, and so many people just read and don’t reply before they need something.

    Maybe because we are adults now and friends isn’t was it used to be back in the day. People is so into Facebook instagram and other stuff, they forget about real friendship and how to treat other people.

  14. Sometimes.

    But if the person’s being really rude or their replies make no sense I might do it too.

  15. Yeah it happens with me. Sometimes I think “I will think about it later when I got time” and then I kinda forget about it for days. Then I feel like it’s odd to reply now. And that’s how it goes.

  16. Yes. Sometimes I’m mentally drained or not ready for the text; I can’t think of any reply. No matter how much I try to come up with something, they all feel wrong.

    But when I’m at a better place, mentally, the reply just writes itself. I don’t overthink it. It’s just right.

  17. Ehe me. But I personally don’t want to leave them on read either (except if I was/ we’re too busy we’d both understand) I usually would go with a cute emoji or sticker.

  18. You’re not ignoring someone if it’s the end of the conversation.

    Video calls are sooo much better. Texting is good for the occasional or light conversation “Hi how’s your day” sort of thing if you see the other person a lot. You can’t beat a good old fashioned face to face though. Even if it’s just coffee. I regularly just meet people for a single coffee or drink.

  19. Its not usually because “I cant think of a good reply”, but its that usually “that person needs/deserves a very good, elaborated answer” and I dont have time to type it rn.

  20. Yeah cuz im afraid i’ll say something weird. when i text i feel this pressure that shuts down my brain and idk what to say cuz i dont wanna be judged 😭😭😭

  21. my best friend and i have lit chats then random silence during the conversation for months. then text again changing the subject and don’t care about saying “oh sorry had to go to the store rq and forgot ” often we pick up where we left off as well. we don’t get the notion that everything needs a reply. sometimes things come up and dont take anything personally. caveat is we both have adhd so maybe we both have this mutual understanding unconsciously

  22. Well sometimes I just ignore a few messages just because I can’t think of a perfect response. And most times the best reply you can give to certain messages is just silence

  23. I will never know what to respond to a compliment. that’s the most frequent type of texts that I ignore. I appreciate it, but it’s so awkward and uncomfortable ;-;

  24. Yes this or if I know what I want to reply but I know I probably won’t like their reply to my reply so I won’t reply.

  25. I am waiting for a text reply and it’s been 10 hours already. See that’s what ignoring text is. Actually if someone doesn’t have a good reply they will wait for only a few minutes or maybe more and get back with a good reply or they won’t wait at all and send any reply whatsoever if they want to talk to you. In other cases, they just don’t want to talk to you. Even if they say they want to they don’t. Notice actions not words.

  26. If I want the conversation to keep going and don’t have anything on my mind of the spot, yeah, I sometimes leave it be for some hours and then think something out. But most of the times I either just go with whatever I can come up with or just don’t answer.

  27. If I can’t find a way to respond to a text, I usually just slap an emoji on it so they know I’m not ignoring them.

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