My partner (F24) and I (M25) are at a disagreement over something petty, but I feel that it matters because she always does things like this.

The jist of the situation is this – I had planned to have a meal, she was having a different meal. Upon going in the kitchen, she remembered that we were out of an ingredient I need for my dinner. I said no problem, I’ll have something else. That was that.

20mins later, I decide I’m just going to order a takeaway. Not knowing if she had anything cooking by this point, I simply ask ‘so, what’re you having for dinner?’ She responds with ‘I’m still waiting on you to decide.’ I ask why she’s waiting on me to decide, she gives me a confused look and says because we don’t have the ingredients in. This made no sense to me so I said ‘That makes no difference to you though because you’re not having what I’m having?’ She starts laughing and tells me I’m being confusing/not making sense, so I just stare at her with a blank expression.

After a few seconds pause, I said ‘Uh, okay, well I’m ordering myself a takeaway, so what are you having?’ She goes ‘Ohh, yeah I’ll have that too then, you were just being weird and not making any sense.’ I tell her ‘no, it was a direct, yes-or-no question because you weren’t having the same as me, so you have no reason to wait on my decision.’

Should I have to explicitly ask if she wants a takeaway when, as far as I was aware, she had already started making herself some food? If she had said ‘I’m having X’ I’d have said ‘okay, I’m having X.’ If she had told me she hadn’t started making her food yet, I’d have obviously asked if she wanted me to order her something. Now she is saying I was wording things ‘wrong’ and that I should have just asked if she wanted a takeaway?

Tl,dr; My partner behaves as though every question needs a reason, no matter how important, or has to be overly-direct. I feel that there is no need for additional reasoning/detail to be given for basic questions if the follow up will lead to the same results. Thoughts?

1 comment
  1. If one person is regularly struggling to understand implied or less direct questions, it makes sense to make the questions more direct.

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