There’s a girl I like and we both are 18 and I want to spend my whole life with her but I m afraid that she might get bored of me after few years. I’ve also seen this actually happening that’s why asking here

  1. married for 9 together for 13. Going though a divorce now and fighting tooth and nail for custody rights.

  2. Got married at 20. Sex life was awesome for the most part had it’s ups and downs of course but I
    married my best friend and we had a solid relationship and her and I could fall back on our friendship in the bad times.

  3. My left hand and I have never been closer.

    Edit: you can marry her later. If you still love each other at 28 then do it. You both will be changing a lot in the next decade, don’t rush it.

  4. Don’t marry young, there’s no reason to rush. Ull often find life will move two people apart and that’s ok. If it’s really meant to be, distance and life won’t matter. You guys shouldn’t change your dreams or sacrifice anything to be with each other.

  5. Whats the rush to get married? Get your education, life together, mature together, holiday together, continue to invest in your relationship. I would at least wait till 25.

  6. Amazing! We grew together both as people and as a relationship. With that much trust, we have been able to go further younger together in exploring new things.

  7. If it works it works but be aware that you’ll both change quite a bit in the next ten years, a lot of the time who you become by 30 won’t be as compatible with who she is at 30 and by that point you’ve spent your entire formative dating years with one person, getting back to single life if it goes south will be one hell of a culture shock

  8. I got married at 20 met her at 18 we’re still happy and together , go on vacation about 5 times a year. I guess it just comes down to finding the right person

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