I am a 21 year-old man. I recently graduated university, and now work full time from home. I am also in a relationship, which began in late 2019. I made a decent salary, and I am pretty extroverted.

I have a few close male friends, but I don’t see them that often. Most of them are from my home town, and high school. I only made 2 close friends in University but they both live in a different city hours away.

My main best friend died 2 years ago. The friend that I am closest to now lives on the other side of the country pursuing his passion. The last time I saw him was 3 months ago, when he came back to visit his family. I really miss him.

About once a month, I hang out with two other close friends from high school, where we usually go to his house and play games, or to the pub. They are best friends with each other, and I don’t consider them my “best friends”, but they are close.

Still, I feel lonely, like I rarely go out with friends and do fun stuff. I want to make new friends, and hang out with them often. In most of my free-time, I see my girlfriend, stay at home and play video games, watch movies, go for walks, and photography. Despite being in a relationship, I feel like I need to make more friends and go out with them more.

I’ve been wanting to move to a different city, but my girlfriend wants to stay in the city we live now. I am not depressed, I just feel somewhat lonely and want to get myself out there more.

Any advice would be appreciated!

1 comment
  1. I think you should join an adult sports club! It’s easy to fit into your schedule, you’ll meet people of all sorts of ages, keeps fitness in your schedule, and if you vibe with anyone there just ask them to get a beer?

    Gotta put yourself out there. Also, you can always find a new hobby to do with the gf. You can try different things, don’t have to hard commit.

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