I don’t know how to explain it, but I’m just done. Dating in this age sucks. I’m tired of trying. I’m tired of waiting around. I’m tired of talking stages. I just don’t have another talking stage left in me.

If something comes, then yay! If something doesn’t come, then oh well. I just am done trying & done waiting. I guess you can say that I’ve officially given up on dating.

It’s become whatever you me now. I would love if someone amazing came into my life. But right now, I just can’t explain how I feel other than over it…

  1. Don’t give up honey, someone’s out there feeling the exact same way. sometimes I actually say, “ I don’t feel like talking can we just make jokes about avocados or something.” Hugs you tight. Don’t ever give up ! just try to get past the irritation. It’ll be better tomorrow!

  2. I swear if somebody says night owl for vampire hours to me one more time I’m gonna punch him in the fucking face

  3. Somebody says night owl vampire hours one more time I’m gonna kool-aid them in the taste buds

  4. Listen! Don’t force it ! Do your own thing. Do the fun things you like to do AND do that!

    If you keep chasing for dates, they won’t come.

    Let them come to you. Once you’re focusing on yourself. Improve yourself you’ll be far better off.

    Whether you are 20 or 35 like me….just chill..sometimes being alone only makes you stronger

  5. This was my mindset right before I met my wife.

    I feel like this type of mindset can open opportunities but keep your eyes peeled! 👍❤️

  6. Don’t have too high of a expectations in a relationship.

    Simple truth is, you’re not worth as much as you think.

    Nobody is.

    And nobody owes you anything.

    If you are nice and helpful to someone, take it as your good deed for a day, and move on. Don’t expect that you’re owed to be treated the same way back. And set boundaries. Eventually, you find people that you click with.

    And work on yourself. After enough work, things start to change .

  7. I feel this! Why get to know someone when one minute they are interested and the next they ghost you? People just don’t value human connection

  8. I’ll swap you. I wouldn’t mind some more talking before groping and expectations of sex.

  9. What in the world is the “talking stage?”

    If you match with someone, go grab a cup of coffee with them or a drink.

  10. I am done with dating in my city (Edmonton, Canada). The white women only want white guys. I met over 300 women in malls, sports and grocery stores. In the end 0 interest, like I have no value. It’s their loss. They can be used till they are 35, then dumped like old furniture. That’s what they want and will get it. Then they will complain and go to pubs and get drunk. In the end, their loss. I will quietly look in another country for a white girl, who will love me and appreciate me. Btw, no woman is going to come to me. I can see in their body language that they would rather I don’t exist.

  11. Yeah, it feels as if the effort/reward ratio is just not high enough to justify dating. Who actually has that much time and energy to spend on something that doesn’t produce any returns?

    There are so many things I’d rather focus on in my life that would actually bring value to the world. But a lot of people just waste their entire lives on dating.

  12. The only thing I can think to say is “welcome to this side”

    -Did you swear off dating apps too?

  13. I totally feel you. I’m 35, a single mom, and I re-entered the dating world less than a year ago. I am so over it already. It’s hard to keep believing that I’m as “amazing” as my friends and dates say I am when it just ends in disappointment.

    I’m trying to take this time to focus on me, and if something comes along, then great. If not, I am trying to just love myself the best I can.

    Hang in there. We’re all worth it for someone out there. Maybe we just need to wait for them to find us.

  14. Dating is hard. It’s not supposed to be easy. It sounds like you are trying to find someone to spend your life with. That isn’t something that can be found easily or should be taken lightly. Especially if you highly value yourself and expect to find someone whom you highly value.

    If you don’t try you will never find anyone. Don’t listen to these people that tell you just to chill and let someone find you. This is how women end up single, well past their prime and decide to just be alone. If you are a man then this is the worst advice imaginable. You could go your whole life without a woman asking you out once.

  15. Good for you to know your limits.

    None of us MUST be in a relationship.

    I am off online dating forever. To each their own!

  16. I feel you and it’s exhausting. Take a break and recharge your energy. I never believe it will come by its own as anything in life, but hope you all the best.

  17. I became like you about over a year ago. The difference is I wouldn’t even love it when someone amazing comes into my life. I just wanna be left alone because I don’t see the point of having another person with me aside from friends.

  18. You must be in your mind to late 30s I’m guessing. Your not alone. I came out of a long relationship absolutely crushed. I’ve been single for 5 yrs. Have dated a Doctor. She wanted kids. Worshipped the ground I walked on. It was crazy. Treated me amazingly. I walked away because in the long run she gonna hurt me and leave cause I no how to pick them. So now I date. They always no what they’re getting into. Except this to get old. Then I’ll try to put more effort in when it matters again. Don’t be sad. Go have fun till you puke. After I’m sure we’ll both settle for someone we shouldn’t. But the he’ll that’s life. Never give up!

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