Me (M22) and this girl I met (F19) I want to have sex with her but I’m not sure yet if I want to date her and I’m a bit scared to ask her what should I do

  1. Jokes are your friend here. The more playful and flirty you can be, the better. If someone jokes about being willing to eat a condiment off of a dick, they’ve given you a gift, and that gift is: You can now bring up sex in a low-key way. One trick of adulthood I’ve learned is if you treat something like Not a Big Deal, other people will follow suit. If you sit someone down and tell them solemnly that you want to propose something to them, and then that something is access to her pussy, not only is she probably going to say no, but now you’ve made it weird. However, if you’re casual and confident (you can fake these) about it, you’ll set the tone. This will make it a lot easier to turn down your offer. Feel free to poke fun at the situation; something like “I know this is a total cliché, but I’m not really dating seriously right now, and as gross as the phrase is, what do you think about a friends-with-benefits situation?” This at least acknowledges that there isn’t a good way to go about asking someone to fuck but not date. See: **

    Also don’t initiate things that seem like dates. (If you don’t know by now, dinner = relationship and drink = fuck.) Keep it casual, and don’t buy dinner for your friends with benefits.

  2. don’t lead her on, and don’t have sex with her if you decide you don’t want a relationship and she does. it’s not kind, and there are other people in the world who you could have sex with if she is looking for a relationship not just casual sex

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