Well I see that it is kinda embarrassing for me that a 27 years old have never had sex before this why I lied and tomorrow will be my first sex experience and im very confused that she will find out that I lied about it especially that she is very experienced woman .. I need some advices
Do you think she will find out that I’m Virgin when we are sleeping ? And what should I say if she asked or something

  1. You should’ve been honest from the start and if you were honest and she didn’t like that, and called things off with you well she wasn’t worth it in the first place

  2. Others might disagree but personally I think you can tell by someone’s awkwardness that they’re a virgin. If I was her, I would prefer that you were just honest and up front about it. You being a virgin isn’t the issue, you lying is the issue.

  3. Should’ve been honest but she most likely doesn’t care…. I remember when I lost my virginity…. I’m pretty sure she knew since I was the one in the group who never brought up any sexual stories etc…. Except for when I asked her if she enjoyed the sex…. I’m pretty sure at that point she realized I really was… she never asked and I never said anything…

  4. Hope it’s a one off thing otherwise you’ll be keeping up the lie for a long time. Just tell her bro it’s not a big deal

  5. Not necessarily. My first partner couldn’t tell that I never had sex with her. But that was her telling me that my performance was good, she new about my virginity.

    Best to be honest about it. It’s about trust.

  6. I don’t think being a virgin is as big a deal as you’re making it out to be.

    Here’s a hypothetical situation. Let’s say you only sleep with this girl one time and things don’t go any further. When you end up sleeping with your next partner are you going to feel any more confident then when you have one sexual experience under your belt? I don’t think so. Sleeping with someone new is always a bit awkward and there’s a little bit of nerves involved.

    One of the things I always like to do with a new partner is have a plan in place. Let’s say you’re making out on the couch and things are going good. Ask her if she’d like to move to the bedroom. If she says yes once you’re in the bedroom and before things get started say, How about I go down on you (or use fingers if you prefer), then you can go down on me, and then I’ll put on a condom and we can go from there. That way she knows you’re going to prioritize her pleasure and you’re not going to try any funny business with the condom. And then from your side you have a basic idea of what’s going to happen and when so you’re not wondering what to do next. Also, watch a couple videos or read a couple articles on the basics of getting a girl off so you’ll have a rough idea of what to do. Everyone is different but if you try your best to make your partner happy I think she’ll be happy with the outcome.

  7. Did she straight up ask you if you were? If not you shouldn’t have said anything.

  8. She can count the rings on your balls and will be able to know yea

    …… /s no she won’t be able to tell, but maybe because you seem so caught up in the false illusion that virginity even matters or exists.

  9. If she asks, come clean. Being a virgin at 27yo is really nothing to be ashamed of. I’d think you’re a guy who lacks experience, is shy, doesn’t sleep around and none of those are a turn off, m I re endearing if anything. Guy with high body count is a turn off, for me.

    And can you know for certain that she is very experienced??

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