I guess I can understand certain situations, but this is more geared toward men who have a lot of sexual interactions with a lot of women. One night stands, jumping from one body to the other, etc. Is there really no emotion ever involved?

  1. Can’t talk for all men. But for me, you know when you’re hungry & you eat to satisfy that hunger? It’s like that. I eat the same thing enough times, I get bored of it. So I want to try something different. Sex is similar to me. It’s just a hunger for a good fuck & that’s it. Satisfying each others horniness. Nothing more, nothing less.

  2. How would you get emotionally attached without trying out a couple options first?

  3. I always try to reframe them in my mind to be my mother and then I drop contact like I did with the real one

  4. It’s a biological mating strategy for men. Literally, scatter gun.

    That doesn’t mean we can’t have emotional sex though but if it’s just some girl that wants to have fun. Then it’s just fun and unlike women we don’t release oxytocin through orgasms.

  5. Women do the same thing usually with a guy who has the things she says aren’t important

  6. Wear some protection and just enjoy some nice sport sex, it’s good exercise and great for the body chems

  7. Every time I’ve tried, it hasn’t really worked out too well for me, so I just avoid putting myself in that situation now.

  8. Probably in the way men and women learn or understand about sex.

    Sex can be pretty much anything, from passionate displays of love, to goal driven(baby making or porn industry) to some dark realms(crazy shit like the big R).

    There is physical, mental and emotional element of sex. Male of the species tend to be rather logical, hence males tend to take sex on a more physical level(just the act). Females tend to be more emotional in tuned, hence more females take sex more emotionally(sense of purpose, attatchement, etc)

    This is my understanding so far. Of course, their is a lot that dictates the above, from how a person is raised, religions, social acceptance or baises that exist, what’s taboo, individual personalities, cultures, social norms, blah blah. It’s a complex system but, if you narrow it down to how we inherently are, sorta starts making sense. Sorta. It’s not an exact science, just how I see it

  9. Some people cannot have sex without an emotional connection. Some people can. I can. I can make love to someone I care about deeply. And I can fuck someone with whom I share no interest in pursuing a relationship. Understanding my intentions with them is important for whether or not I choose to engage myself emotionally in the sex.

  10. Women do it too. Sometimes you just want to have sex. It’s really not that complicated.

    I will say that I think for many people, that loses its appeal as you mature and start to want a connection that is more than physical and that is lasting.

  11. I have found it hard to do without *first* being emotionally attached. I just didnt enjoy it nearly as much as I thought I would.

  12. Men are biologically hardwired to want sex with multiple women. Most men can have sex with zero or nearly zero emotional attachment.

    Oxytocin is a feel-good hormone that also causes a bonding effect. It is released during sex. Women are exponentially more sensitive to the bonding effects of Oxytocin. That’s why women are generally much more attached to sex partners than men are.

  13. Sex is just sex. I mean, sure, I only have sex with people I like, but just because I like you enough to Roger you it doesn’t mean we’re in love.

  14. This sounds horrible but it’s pretty much just masterbating but you’re using a human body to get off. Great cardio too

  15. Because we are genetically different. Our testosterone overrides the mushy hormones.

  16. I work in merchant navy and stay on the seas for 9 months a year except a few days of port calls. What do you expect me to do ????

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