Hello fellow Europeans,

In France we have quite a lot of shows that follow police/gendarmerie (military police) as well as firefighters and paramedics in their daily job lives as they go on interventions. I am absolutely fond of this kind of shows and therefore I’m wondering if your country has such shows too, and if they’re available on platforms such as YouTube. I know UK has some that I watch too, but I would like to see more from other European countries. It doesn’t matter if they are quite old.

Thanks a lot!

  1. I wouldn’t say we have a lot but we have a fair amount yes. A serious called “heroes from here” that follows firefighters, ambulances, police etc is the main one. Then there’s several other smaller ones that follow specific police departments.

  2. “Poliisit” (Police officers) has to be amoung the most legendary TV series of Finland. The camera man is in the police car capturing the interesting moments. In the TV the best clips are presented with the faces blurred and voices changed.

    “Poliisi TV” used to be a very popular show in 90s. It was presented in the secondary state owned channel and it presented actual crimes and seeked hints to police from audience to solve them. Also gave info about police, court system etc.

  3. Not a lot of documentaries but there are a bunch of dramatized police procedurals with portions that focus on more mondaine police work. Its hard to say how accurate those are though.

    Flikken Maastrucht has really jumped the shark a couple of times with Twins pretending to be one guy that always has a alibi and shit.

  4. Here in the Netherlands we had a program called ‘Wegmisbruikers’. It translates to Road Abusers. A camera crew would join a couple of units of the traffic police in an unnoted police car. It ran from 2003 to 2021. Their are countless meme clips from it. A lot is available on Youtube as well.

  5. I don’t know of any show that follows emergency services (except Airport Security Rome) though there is a fair amount of documentaries that talk about the police forces and the firefighter corp, some of which are found on RaiPlay.

    Two series made independently by a journalist in the form of short videos are on youtube, these focus are the police and the carabinieri.
    Another series released on youtube, directly by the carabinieri official channel, follows Valerio Staffelli, a tv personality, while he visits the special units of the carabinieri.

  6. Yeah and not just our own but its mostly stuff that is more drama oriented or outright fake.

    Some examples.

    112: Feuerwehr im Einsatz <– firefighters with bodycams

    Feuer & Flamme – Mit Feuerwehrmännern im Einsatz <– more firefighters with bodycams

    Achtung Kontrolle <– sometimes they follow the police. Mostly Autobahn police

    Lebensretter hautnah <– follows paramedics

    Der Germinator <- some German dude that is chief of Police in the City of Hawkins, Texas.

    Texas Game Warden

    Alaska State Troopers

    Emergency ER <- british Emergency helicopter dudes

    Stuff about towing dudes is also quite common. Highway Heroes Canada, Highway Heroes Norway, Highway Heroes Australia ……

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