Since We’ve been married it’s been harder to make my wife orgasm

I’m a 24 year old male, my wife is 22 (just married recently). Before we were married I had no issue making her orgasm or vice versa (mostly just oral to avoid pregnancy, we come from strict orthodox families). Even the days leading up to marriage there was no issue. We’ve been married for about a week now but ever since we’ve been married I’ve noticed it’s just been harder to make her orgasm, but no issue on my part. Just recently I tried to make her orgasm through oral and after trying for 30 min, she couldn’t finish. She was really upset and confused and felt so bad that she even cried out of confusion.

She’s reassured me that she hasn’t lost any sexual attraction to me since we’ve been married and that she just doesn’t feel as high of a sex drive as before we were married. I believe that since I can understand. I haven’t really had much of an urge to have sex since we’ve been married either. But nonetheless I’m still able to orgasm.

Is this normal for newly wed couples? we’ve been together for 2 years before getting married (long distance). Or am I doing something wrong? is she not sexually attracted to me anymore? I’m a bit anxious but more confused than anything. This was never an issue and my body hasn’t really changed much physically since we’ve met. I’m the first person she’s ever done anything with so I don’t know what I’m doing wrong. I’ve gotten all of my experience through my relationship with her. I’ve never given or received oral from anybody else and neither has she. We’re still extremely emotionally connected, she just hasn’t been able to finish since we’ve been married. Is this normal? Was it the thrill of sneaking around that’s helped her finish Or has she just suddenly lost attraction to me.

She’s just as confused as I am and it’s making both of us anxious. She’s been doing research and searching on Reddit too and we have some theories but not really sure. I know for certain that their isn’t anybody else but I’m scared that if this continues she’ll just stop enjoying sex with me all together and it just makes me feel like a shitty husband. Should i be worried or is this normal? And if it’s normal, how do we fix it?

  1. You’ve been married a week. You’ve jumped to a conclusion very quickly. Just give it time and listen to her body.

  2. The fact you don’t want it either? It sounds like you’re both doing something you don’t really want to do and then surprised when your body doesn’t react properly.

    Just slow down, take a week or two off sex and I bet you’re bodies will reset and you’ll be desperate for each other again

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