Just went to a speed dating event thats being held at a bar near me. Held every 2nd Wednesday of the month. Over 30 people got paired up. Sadly because of this, we had less than 2 minutes to chat. Didn’t match with anyone, but at least it was free. Even though I think I put up a good effort, the odds were not in my favor considering this was my first one.

So this got me wondering: What is the average amount of speed dating events one would need to attend to have any success? 40? 50? 100? Just curious if anyone might have done the math.

1 comment
  1. >Sadly because of this, we had less than 2 minutes to chat. Didn’t match with anyone, but at least it was free
    >So this got me wondering: What is the average amount of speed dating events one would need to attend to have any success? 40? 50? 100?

    Speed dating is a lot of fun, I got addicted to it for a while, don’t worry if you didn’t match with anyone, if you keep going back, you will eventually. Also, you should definitely match by your 3rd or 4th one.

    *Some advice:*

    1) Just like in other avenues, everyone always asks what you do for a living and other boring questions. Instead, try to ask an emotional question or two like ‘what are you passionate about in life’ and then engage in a conversation, don’t keep asking ‘interview style’ questions.

    2) Just like on tinder, hand in your card or whatever with all of the matches you are interested in.. don’t worry that the girl hosting the event will look at you strange if you want to meet almost everyone… I’ve seen guys that limit their matches to 1 or 2 so they don’t seem needy.. don’t be one of these people.

    3) These things are usually hosted at restaurants or bars. This is a natural opportunity for insta-date. When the event ends, people start to gather their belongings and go home. Walk up to one of the ladies that you like and ask her to hang out for a drink right there.. Don’t worry about whether you matched with each other at that point.

    4) Bring 2 or 3 friends along. It’s very fun to talk about the experience with others who were there, trust me 🙂 🙂


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