I’m a really boring person and i can’t talk to people. Not because i’m scared of them or anything it’s just that i really don’t have anything to say and in most cases don’t care about what they have to say so i just give a short answer like No,Yes or mhm. Currently the only way i have is drinking but since i’m only 16 and the legal drinking age here is 18 i can’t really drink with everyone.

Anyway to get better at this or am i stuck being boring? And don’t say i should just start talking to people and will get better at it with time bc i won’t get better.

  1. Yeah, you’ll need to force yourself to fake like what they’re talking about. Eventually, you’ll hit on common ground subjects and start drilling down into them. Therefore creating a bond with the other person. Ask questions about them until they ask about you.

  2. Honestly, the easiest way to learn how to do something is to do what you want to learn.

    Yes, I saw that you asked me not to write things like that, but I think you’re trying to avoid it because it’s the hard way.

    But let’s just say a lot of people live their whole lives this way and it doesn’t really bother them, but if you want to be interesting in communicating with people so badly, then try to learn how to start a conversation or get people talking and then you’ll always find topics to talk about.

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