Even though my real dad was a piece of shit most times the one thing I liked about him was that he had a mind of his own. My mom met a new guy and they’ve been together for 2 years and I shit you not he’s like her little dog, my mom literally said these words to me while we were talking about him, she said “the thing I like about him is that, I’m his treasure, he does what I tell him to do and he worships me (she was probably exaggerating), and I have him wrapped around my finger, now in my moms defence my real dad like I said was a piece of shit and she had like 0 control over the family and suffered from his abuse so I kind of get it but like damn this guy is too afraid to even disagree with her. If I’m on bad terms with my mom and she doesn’t want to speak to me he won’t speak to me either, if she’s mad at me he’ll be mad at me too and that’s why I’ll never accept this weakling as a dad, he’s an alright guy but having that title weighs more than just being someone my mom is with, sure he helps around the house, pays the bills and all that but his relationship with us the children is basically none existent besides from some of the lectures he gives us when my mom is mad.

What do you guys make of this? (Also off topic I know how to do most punctuation but for some reason I never know when the cut off point for separate paragraphs are)

1 comment
  1. It sounds like you’re projecting some of the anger you have at your mother onto him. It’s hard being a step parent. I think you and your parents need to discuss some boundaries. That the conflicts you have between your mother should stay between you guys. And let him know when he changes his behavior based on your mothers moods it’s hurtful.

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