tldr; Guy(23m) i’m (22f) talking to is leaving big breaks (days) in our texts and we haven’t met in person yet. Says he’s busy, i don’t buy it though. I only talk to one person at a time when dating so basically my dating life is on hold for him. What should i do?

Hi I just need some advice!!! I (22f) have been talking to a guy (23m) from tinder for a bit and everything was fine. We switched to texting and then there started being really large breaks in our texting which makes it hard to talk. I’ve already had to restart the convo after he multiple times. He says he’s busy but i know what he does for a living and i know he can pretty much have/ be on his phone all day if he wanted too.

When we talk he’s engaged and actually he has asked me to keep talking to him and he said he loved talking to me. Now we’ve talked about meeting and he said he wanted to but after i told him to give me a date (since he is the most busy one) he has said nothing as it’s been days

So idk if he’s actually interested in me or not, i don’t really like online dating so when I find a good connection i tend to hold on therefore i’ve sort of put my online dating on hold for him now.

My options are:
1. Message him again like “hi how was ur day” or “how are you”
2. Just wait, because he might genuinely be busy
3. Just drop him, talk to other people (This is what my friends told me to do)

  1. He’s not interested. He’s essentially ghosting you after you tried to nail down a date. Just let it go.

  2. You’re putting your life on hold for someone who can’t even be bothered to return your texts.

    What would you tell a friend who was doing that? My guess is you’d say “You deserve better, forget this asshole.” So why can’t you say that to yourself?

  3. Event that happened to me not long ago:

    Match with guy that look decent wants same thing as me in bio etc….

    He sends the first message not 2 hours after matching ” Hello “.
    I reply ” Hi how you doing? ”

    He takes 3 FUCKING DAYS ANSWERING. And without an excuse. Just ” I’m doing fine what about you? “. I just ghosted him. If he wanted to talk to you, he’d answer in less than literal days. I can understand a few hours or maybe a day, cause everyone can be busy but over than that and with no excuses…. it’s over lol.

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