I 20(M) haven’t had much luck in the dating world ever. I was pretty popular with girls at a pretty young age, maybe when I was 14 or 15 but my body started changing and I never gained any confidence in myself. In the past 2/3 years I’ve not talked to a girl seriously, I’ve had occasional conversations but that has happened less than 5 times. A few weeks ago a girl who I knew from school and I got along with pretty well messaged me. It was to tell me about something she’d remembered from a few years ago that we were both in I think was a picture memory. Anyway we talked about that for a bit and here we are today and she still hasn’t left me on seen which is new to me to be 100% honest. My problem is the being left on delivered part. There are days where i will be left on delivered from her for almost 24 hours, there are some days where she will reply within a few hours and then a few times she will reply pretty quickly but the majority is me being left on delivered for a long time. What do I do to stop this, and what can this mean from her side? I feel I haven’t had the chance to be flirtatious with her because I get a reply then next day and it would be awkward. Any advice would be be great!

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